Title | JIRAs |
Validate Pass8 GR on RHEL6-64 | |
GR 20-09-10 OBF RHEL6-64 crash | |
GR 20-09-10 NewCalFullProfileTool redhat6 64 bits crash | |
GlastRelease 20-10-00 tags | |
GR 64 bits memory consumption | |
GlastRelease 20-10-01 tags |
To Do List
- Track down cause of crashes when running AllGamma (OBF)
- Track down cause of crashes when reprocessing data (NewCalFullProfileTool)
- Event by event comparison (for MC, requires event by event seed)
- System tests (see )
- Memory and CPU
- IRFs
Confluence pages and blog posts with "gr64bits" tag