Owner | Task | Function | Speed | Old Location | Old: File Owner | Old: Group Permissions | New Location | New: File Owner | New: Group Permissions | Status |
JC | ASP | ASP output | Archival | /nfs/farm/g/glast/u41/ASP/Results | jchiang:glast-pipeline | drwxrwsrwx | /sdf/data/fermi/ground/PipelineOutput/ASP_prod | jchiang: glast-pipeline | drwxrwsr-x | ✅ |
JC | ASP/L1 | ASP launcher | Software | /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/links/data/ASP | jchiang:gl | drwxrwxrwx | /sdf/group/fermi/ground/PipelineConfig/ASP/ASP_at_S3DF | jchiang: glast-pipeline | drwxrwxr-x | |
MEM | L1Proc | L1Proc logs | Archival | /nfs/farm/g/glast/u41/L1/logs | monzani:glast-pipeline | drwxrwsr-x | /sdf/data/fermi/ground/PipelineOutput/L1/logs | glastraw:glast-pipeline | drwxr-xr-x | ✅ |
MEM | L1Proc | L1Proc I/O | Archival | /nfs/farm/g/glast/u41/L1 | monzani:glast-pipeline | drwxrwsr-x | /sdf/data/fermi/ground/PipelineOutput/L1 | glastraw:glast-pipeline | drwxr-xr-x | ✅ |
MEM | L1Proc | L1Proc I/O DEV | Archival | /nfs/farm/g/glast/u41/L1Test | monzani:glast-pipeline | drwxrwsr-x | /sdf/data/fermi/ground/PipelineOutput/L1Test | glastraw:glast-pipeline | drwxr-xr-x | ✅ |
MEM | L1Proc/DQM | DQM | Software | /nfs/farm/g/glast/u41/Monitoring/ ReferenceHistograms | monzani:glast-pipeline | drwxrwsr-x | /sdf/group/fermi/ground/PipelineConfig/Monitoring | monzani glast-pipeline | drwxrwsr-x | TBC |
MEM | L1Proc/DQM | DQM + Reports | Archival | /nfs/farm/g/glast/u41/Monitoring | monzani:glast-pipeline | drwxrwsr-x | /sdf/group/fermi/ground/PipelineConfig/Monitoring | monzani glast-pipeline | drwxrwsr-x | TBC |
MEM | L1Proc | L1 config | Software | /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/PipelineConfig/Level1 | focke:ek | drwxrwxr-x | /sdf/group/fermi/ground/PipelineConfig/L1Proc | monzani glast-pipeline | drwxrwsr-x | ✅ |
MEM | L1Proc | L1 builds | Software | /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/releases/volume11/L1Proc | monzani:gl | drwxrwsr-x | /sdf/group/fermi/ground/PipelineBuilds/L1Proc | monzani :glast-pipeline | drwxrwsr-x | ✅ |
MEM | L1Proc | Glast Release | Software | /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/releases/volume12 | monzani:gl | drwxr-xr-x | /sdf/group/fermi/ground/PipelineBuilds/GlastRelease | monzani :glast-pipeline | drwxrwsr-x | ✅ |
MEM | L1:Proc | Science Tools | Software | /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/releases/volume12 | monzani:gl | drwxr-xr-x | /sdf/group/fermi/ground/PipelineBuilds/ScienceTools | monzani :glast-pipeline | drwxrwsr-x | ✅ |
MEM | L1Proc/DQM | DQM Alarms | Software | /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/releases/volume11/AlarmCfg | monzani:gl | drwxrwsr-x | /sdf/group/fermi/ground/PipelineConfig/Monitoring/AlarmsCfg | monzani :glast-pipeline | drwxrwsr-x | ✅ |
NO/ST | halfPipe/L1 | HP stage out | Staging | /nfs/farm/g/glast/u28/stage | glastraw: glast-pipeline | drwxrwsr-x | /sdf/group/fermi/ground/HalfPipeStaged/stage | glastraw:glast-pipeline | drwxrwsr-x | ✅ |
NO/ST | halfPipe/L1 | HP stage out | Staging | /nfs/farm/g/glast/u28/stageTest | focke: glast-pipeline | drwxrwsr-x | /sdf/group/fermi/ground/HalfPipeStaged/stageTest | glastraw:glast-pipeline | drwxrwsr-x | ✅ |
NO/ST | halfPipe | halfPipe logs | Archival | /nfs/farm/g/glast/u41/halfPipe/logs | monzani: glast-pipeline | drwxrwsr-x | /sdf/data/fermi/ground/PipelineOutput/halfPipe/logs | glastraw:glast-pipeline | drwxr-xr-x | ✅ |
NO/ST | halfPipe | halfPipe code | Software | /afs/slac/g/glast/isoc/flightOps/offline/halfPipe | blee: gl | drwxrwxr-x | /sdf/group/fermi/ground/PipelineConfig/halfPipe/v7r0p0 | omodei:glast-pipeline | drwxrwsr-x | ✅ |
MK | RePipe | RePipe code PROD | Software | /afs/slac/g/glast/isoc/flightOps/offline/halfPipe/RePipe_PROD | blee:gl | drwxrwsr-x | TBD | |||
MK | RePipe | RePipe code TEST | Software | /afs/slac/g/glast/isoc/flightOps/offline/halfPipe/RePipe_TEST | blee:gl | drwxrwsr-x | TBD | |||
MK | RePipe | RePipe stage | Staging | /nfs/farm/g/glast/u28/RePipe | blee: glast-pipeline | drwxrwsr-x | /sdf/group/fermi/ground/HalfPipeStaged/RePipe | glastraw:glast-pipeline | drwxrwsr-x | ✅ |
NO/ST | halfPipe | flight software | Software | /afs/slac/g/glast/isoc/flightOps/rhel5_gcc41 | 9275:gl | drwxr-x | /sdf/data/fermi/a/isoc/flightOps/rhel5_gcc41 | 9275:gl | drwxr-x | bind mount for /afs/ |
ST | ISOC SVN repository | Software | /sdf/group/fermi/sw/online/svnroot/ | tether:glonline | drwxr-sr-x | ✅ | ||||
ST | fastCopy/HP | raw data archive | Archival | /nfs/farm/g/glast/u23/ISOC-flight/Archive/level0 | glastops:glast-pipeline | drwxr-sr-x | /sdf/data/fermi/ground/ISOC/flight/Archive/level0 | glastops:glast-pipeline | drwxr-sr-x | ✅ |
/sdf/data/fermi/ground/ISOC/flight/Archive/fcopy | glastops:glast-pipeline | drwxr-sr-x | ✅ | |||||||
NO/ST | halfPipe | HP archive | Archival | /nfs/farm/g/glast/u42/ISOC-flight/Downlinks | glastops:glast-pipeline | drwxrwsr-x | /sdf/data/fermi/ground/ISOC/flight/Downlinks | glastops:glast-pipeline | drwxrwsr-x | ✅ |
/sdf/data/fermi/ground/ISOC/flight/FswDumps | glastops:glast-pipeline | drwxrwsr-x | ✅ | |||||||
/sdf/data/fermi/ground/ISOC/flight/Online | glastops:glast-pipeline | drwxrwsr-x | ✅ | |||||||
/sdf/data/fermi/ground/ISOC/flight/Outgoing | glastops:glast-pipeline | drwxrwsrwx | ✅ | |||||||
/sdf/data/fermi/ground/ISOC/flight/Reports/Daily | glastops:glast-pipeline | drwxr-sr-x | ✅ | |||||||
/sdf/data/fermi/ground/ISOC/flight/Reports/Monthly | glastops:glast-pipeline | drwxrwsr-x | ||||||||
/sdf/data/fermi/ground/ISOC/flight/Reports/Timelines | glastops:glast-pipeline | drwxrwsr-x | ||||||||
/sdf/data/fermi/ground/ISOC/flight/Reports/Weekly | glastops:glast-pipeline | drwxrwsr-x | ||||||||
ST | fastCopy/HP | raw data archive | Archival | /nfs/farm/g/glast/u23/ISOC-test/Archive/level0 | glastops:glast-pipeline | drwxr-sr-x | /sdf/data/fermi/ground/ISOC/test/SAME AS ABOVE | glastops:glast-pipeline | drwxr-sr-x | ✅ |
ST | fastCopy/HP | raw data archive | Archival | /nfs/farm/g/glast/u23/ISOC-nightly/Archive/level0 | glastops:glast-pipeline | drwxr-sr-x | /sdf/data/fermi/ground/ISOC/nightly/SAME AS ABOVE | glastops:glast-pipeline | drwxr-sr-x | ✅ |
JB/ST | fmx HP | MOOD DB | Software | /afs/slac/g/glast/fmx | apw:ey | drwxrwxrwx | /sdf/group/fermi/ground/fmx | glast:glast-pipeline | drwxrwsrwx | ✅ |
JB/ST | fmx HP | MOOD DB | Software | /afs/slac/g/glast/moot | apw:ey | drwxrwxrwx | /sdf/group/fermi/ground/moot | glast:glast-pipeline | drwxrwsrwx | ✅ |
RobC | L1 etc | TKR Calib SW | Software | /afs/slac.stanford.edu/u/gl/rac/TKRground | ||||||
RobC | L1 etc | TKR Calib | Staging | /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/releases/calibrations/TKR | dragon:ec | drwxrwxr-x | ||||
LizH | L1 etc | ACD Calib | Staging | /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/releases/calibrations/ACD | borgland:ek | drwxrwxr-x | ||||
MKerr | L1 etc | CAL Calib | Staging | /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/releases/calibrations/CAL | dragon:ec | drwxrwxr-x |
Nicola Omodei
Note for the calibration. (This is valid for the MC generation file of LLE, at least)
Currently calibrations are updated in "/sdf/group/fermi/ground/releases/calibrations" and the copy in "/sdf/data/fermi/a/ground/releases/calibrations/TKR/" is OLD!
In the container, the variable GLASTROOT is set to /afs/slac.stanford.edu/g/glast, which is bind mounted to "sdf/data/fermi/a/", therefore we can no longer set LATCalibRoot=$GLASTROOT/ground/releases/calibrations or the current calibration are not found. Instead we specifically need to set "export LATCalibRoot=/sdf/group/fermi/ground/releases/calibrations" in the wrapper.
Maria Elena Monzani
Honestly, I wanted to rename the new folder to something more distinctive, so we don't get confused (again). Once that's done, we can update the container (by the way, I had to remove the LATCalibRoot bit from a couple of places already).