EngineeringModel v5r0608p2

calibGenCAL v3r6p13
Zach Fewtrell

Improves FLE dac settings generation for online as well as FLE threshold
measurements for offline.
The problem was such:
LEX8 ADC scale is used to characterize & measure FLE thresholds.
Hardware LEX8 channel doesn't have the dynamic range to handle the upper
ranges of the FLE trigger.

The solution was to continue to use LEX8 ADC units, but to extrapolate past
the hardware limit when needed..

Also includes a new validation tool, tholdCIVal.
Changes are only to python scripts not to C++ applications

Code Versions

Engineering Model (sim/recon) v5r0608p2 **changed**

System Tests for this version

System Tests Result

FRED version


Pipeline tag


GRITS tag (web browsing and task configuration)

glast-ground v0r3p7
grits-gino-web version 0.55 (v0r5p5)
grits-gino version 0.95 (v0r9p5)
grits-gino-xml version 1.42 (v1r4p2)
grits-common version 0.32 (v0r3p2)

online/svac (task defs, scripts):

pipeline tasks:

online: v2r1p2

svac pipeline code and tasks:

code/tasks v3r1p18

ISOC code and tasks:


Apps that run in pipeline:

eLog: v2r2p6
ConfigTables: v3r1p4
TestReport: v3r2p7 (digi & recon reports)
EngineeringModelRoot: v1r3p17 (SVAC tuple)

Approval: unanimous 23 June; Steve wondering about the saturation fix.

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