EngineeringModel v5r0608p1
GlastPolicy v6r4
astro v1r9p1
Trigger v4r0p1
flux v8r18
celestialSources v1r0p4
FluxSvc v6r23p4
CalDigi v2r1p2
CalibSvc v0r21p3
ntupleWriterSvc v3r6p1
merit v6r20
Gleam v5r13p1
userAlg v6r4p5
CRflux v1r3p1
HepRepCorba v1r5p2
All of the above were picked up from GlastRelease v6r8.
Removed FluxDisplay just as GlastRelease has since FRED does not use it.
calibUtil v1r4
Joanne Bogart
Adds new application, calibCoverage, which is used to verify that the metadata database has a sensible set of calibrations.
TkrRecon v10r5p8em0
Tracy Usher
Branch created to include fix for kal theta multiple-scattering angle which had an artificial cutoff which had been necessary to keep the Kalman energy from being computed as an infinite value if the angle turned out to be zero. Now both a "raw" and "modified" value are used such that the "real" multiple-scattering angle with no cutoff is now reported.
GlastPolicy/RootcintPolicy v5r0p0
Heather Kelly
Added new pattern to allow more than just one shared library to be built in a ROOT package. This was done to fulfill a request by Johann that RootAnalysis build a LeaningTower shared library.
commonRootData v2r1p0
Heather Kelly
Uses new version of RootcintPolicy that includes new pattern for creating multiple shared libraries.
mcRootData v2r16p0
Heather Kelly
Uses new version of RootcintPolicy that includes new pattern for creating multiple shared libraries.
digiRootData v8r4
Heather Kelly
Uses new version of RootcintPolicy that includes new pattern for creating multiple shared libraries.
Also adds in new error summary class to store LDF errors.
reconRootData v5r6p3
Heather Kelly
Uses new version of RootcintPolicy that includes new pattern for creating multiple shared libraries.
calibRootData v1r7p1
Joanne Bogart
Uses new RootcintPolicy that includes new pattern for creating multiple shared libraries.
IExternal v4r1p2
Navid Golpayegani
Pick up more recent IExternal/ROOT which was updated to load the TreePlayer shared library along with the other ROOT GUI libraries.
calibGenTKR v2r6
Hiro Tajima and Joanne Bogart
Updates muonCalibTot which now reads hot and dead strips xml files
and remove them from disconnected strips. Hot strips are read from data directory since they are used to mask hot strips during data taking. The dead strips xml file can be specified via job options. This tag requires the latest facilities tag v2r12.
(Hiro) and enhance xml2root application so that it can append to or replace information in a pre-existing ROOT file. (Joanne)
facilities v2r12
Joanne Bogart
Adds new utility Util::expandEnvVarOS.
calibGenCAL v3r6p11
Zach Fewtrell
Addresses JIRA,,
RootAnalysis v8r5
Heather Kelly and Michael Kuss
Creates a shared library for Leaning Tower at Johann's request.
RootTreeAnalysis was fixed to be ACLIC-able and includes a new macro that demonstrates how to compile RootTreeAnalysis using ACLIC at the ROOT command line.
Addresses JIRA by removing code in LeaningTower that slowed down alignment.
xmlGeoDbs v1r22p4
Anders Borgland
Add 4, 6 and 8 tower geometries to the latAssembly.
xmlBase v5r2
Joanne Bogart
Adds parser set up method to support xml files using Schema as well as those using the old-style DTD
Heather Kelly
Handle Error Summary which may appear in TEM data in the LDF.
LdfConverter v1r13
Heather Kelly
Address JIRA
Handle Error Summary which may appear in TEM data in the LDF
LdfEvent v2r13
Heather Kelly
Create a new class to store the error summary which may appear in the TEM data in the LDF.
RootIo v15r8p1em1
Heather Kelly
Reads and writes error summary data to/from the TDS to/from ROOT.
LatIntegration v2r29
Anders Borgland
Introduced new jobOptions parameter that allows a warning to be printed in the GEM condition summary is zero. This addresses JIRA
CalXtalResponse v0r5p1
Zach Fewtrell
Fix in response to apparent CAL ADC shift reported by Anders Borgland (SVAC). Repairs included fixes to retrieving constants from the GlastDetSvc for the geometry, where the fSement variable was left un initialized. This caused the ADC shift, since fSegment specifies the volId index for a crystal segment. This information is vital for determining the
asym->pos calculation in CalDigi.
Code Versions
Engineering Model (sim/recon) v5r0608p1 **changed**
System Tests for this version
System Tests Result
FRED version
Pipeline tag
GRITS tag (web browsing and task configuration)
glast-ground v0r3p7
grits-gino-web version 0.55 (v0r5p5)
grits-gino version 0.95 (v0r9p5)
grits-gino-xml version 1.42 (v1r4p2)
grits-common version 0.32 (v0r3p2)
online/svac (task defs, scripts):
pipeline tasks:
online: v2r1p2
svac pipeline code and tasks:
code/tasks v3r1p18
ISOC code and tasks:
Apps that run in pipeline:
eLog: v2r2p6
ConfigTables: v3r1p4
TestReport: v3r2p7 (digi & recon reports)
EngineeringModelRoot: v1r3p17 (SVAC tuple)
Approval: unanimous 21 June, 2005