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Calibration Unit: Coordinate System

 Nice drawing of that coordinate system from Leon

Calibration Unit: Event Display Pictures and Numbers

 There are  XZ , YZ views and a gzip file of the CU view from Joanne using v1r35

 Check all numbers from the offline XML geometry description from Joanne using v1r35

Calibration Unit: ACD Photos and Dimensions

Tile dimension and location survey . Measurements taken on the CU after the test. Please note that the extra plastic beyond the tiles is not represented and will not be incorporated in the geometry for simulation.

Michele Pinchera's  drawing of ACD tile positions and dimensions - NOTE: does not reflect final ACD location

This information is incorporated in the XML geometry as of tag v1r35p2. 

Real Photons and dimensions from Tomi and Alex (Anti-CoincidenceDetectors.ppt).

Inner Shipping Container and EGSE Photos and Dimensions


July 26, 2006
In the attachments, there is a PowerPoint-presentation (InnerShippingContainer.ppt) that visually describes on photographs the dimensions of the inner shipping container as measured with a measuring tape in the T9 experiment hall. Note, as also indicated in the second slide, that the position of one of the power supplies has been shifted since the measurement, so an update of this presentation will come as soon as the new position has been measured. Please report any peculiarities, if such are found, to (

July 27, 2006
An update of the presentation above is now available (InnerShippingContainer-27-07-2006.ppt), showing the current position of the power supply. Another presentation of the dimensions of the ACDs has now been added (Anti-CoincidenceDetectors.ppt).

/Tomi Ylinen


I've added several attachments relating to the latest version of the xmlGeoDbs geometry (as of 26 July), tagged v1r35.  It takes into account some numbers from Tomi's file and also from a file of ACD numbers made by Michele Pinchera.

Still to do:

  • reconcile some dimensions from the two sources mentioned above
  • get rid of extra CAL, or at least make non-sensitive



September 6, 2006
The attached presentation, (SPS_Setup_Dimensions_v3.ppt), shows the current dimensions of the setup at SPS H4-134.

/Tomi Ylinen


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