#include "GaudiKernel/Algorithm.h" #include "GaudiKernel/SmartDataPtr.h" #include "Event/Recon/CalRecon/CalCluster.h" #include "Event/Recon/CalRecon/CalEventEnergy.h" #include "Event/TopLevel/EventModel.h" #include "IEnergyCorr.h" /** * @class CalEnergyAlg * * @brief An algorithm for controlling and applying the various energy correction tools * used to determine the final event energy for GLAST * * $Header: /nfs/slac/g/glast/ground/cvs/CalRecon/src/CalEnergyAlg.h,v 0.1 2005/04/11 13:28:50 chamont Exp $ */ class CalEnergyAlg : public Algorithm { public: //! constructor CalEnergyAlg( const std::string & name, ISvcLocator * pSvcLocator ); //! destructor virtual ~CalEnergyAlg() { m_corrTools.clear(); }; virtual StatusCode initialize(); StatusCode execute(); StatusCode finalize() ; private: //! correction tool names StringArrayProperty m_corrToolNames ; //! correction tools std::vector<IEnergyCorr*> m_corrTools ; //! Type of correction for primary corrected parameters unsigned int m_corrType; //! Set status bits depending on which iteration of algorithm unsigned int m_passBits; } ; #include "GaudiKernel/DeclareFactoryEntries.h" DECLARE_ALGORITHM_FACTORY(CalEnergyAlg) ; CalEnergyAlg::CalEnergyAlg( const std::string & name, ISvcLocator * pSvcLocator ) : Algorithm(name,pSvcLocator) { std::vector<std::string> corrToolVec; unsigned int corrType; // Initial/default parameters depend on whether this would be the first pass // through CalRecon or the second. The first pass through should have the // algorithm name "RawEnergy" assigned to it, the second (or subsequent) name // doesn't matter for initialization. // This branch if first pass if (name == "RawEnergy") { corrToolVec.push_back("CalRawEnergyTool"); corrType = Event::CalCorToolResult::RAWENERGY; m_passBits = Event::CalEventEnergy::PASS_ONE; } // This the default for the second iteration of CalRecon else { corrToolVec.push_back("LastLayerCorrTool"); corrToolVec.push_back("ProfileTool"); corrToolVec.push_back("CalValsCorrTool"); corrToolVec.push_back("CalTkrLikelihoodTool"); corrToolVec.push_back("CalTransvOffsetTool"); corrType = Event::CalCorToolResult::CALVALS; m_passBits = Event::CalEventEnergy::PASS_TWO; } // Declare the properties with these defaults declareProperty("corrToolNames", m_corrToolNames = corrToolVec); declareProperty("finalCorrType", m_corrType = corrType); } StatusCode CalEnergyAlg::initialize() { // Purpose and Method: Initialize the algorithm: // - Initializes the vector of pointers to the various // energy correction tools to all for this particular // iteration of reconstruction MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name()); StatusCode sc = StatusCode::SUCCESS; // Basic initialization first log << MSG::INFO << "CalEnergyAlg Initialization"; if( (sc = setProperties()).isFailure()) { log << " didn't work!" << endreq; return sc; } log << endreq; // Now build the list of correction tools to apply during execution const std::vector< std::string >& corrToolNames = m_corrToolNames ; std::vector< std::string >::const_iterator toolName ; IEnergyCorr* tool ; for (toolName = corrToolNames.begin(); toolName != corrToolNames.end(); toolName++) { // Attempt to retrieve the tool sc = toolSvc()->retrieveTool(*toolName,tool); // Did we fail to find the tool? if (sc.isFailure() ) { log << MSG::ERROR << " Unable to create " << *toolName << endreq ; return sc ; } // Otherwise add to our list else { m_corrTools.push_back(tool) ; } } return sc; } StatusCode CalEnergyAlg::execute() { //Purpose and method: Primary driver for running the various energy correction tools // Also creates and registers the output TDS object for the Event Energy // and retrieves the "best" energy as the one to use this event. // // TDS input: CalClusterCol // TDS output: CalEventEnergy (with a vector of CalCorToolResult objects for each tool run) // MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name()); StatusCode sc = StatusCode::SUCCESS; log<<MSG::DEBUG<<"Begin"<<endreq ; // Retrieve our TDS objects, we use Clusters to output corrected energy in CalEventEnergy Event::CalClusterCol* calClusters = SmartDataPtr<Event::CalClusterCol>(eventSvc(),EventModel::CalRecon::CalClusterCol); Event::CalEventEnergy* calEnergy = SmartDataPtr<Event::CalEventEnergy>(eventSvc(),EventModel::CalRecon::CalEventEnergy); // If no CalEnergy object (yet) then create one and register in TDS if (calEnergy == 0) { calEnergy = new Event::CalEventEnergy(); if ((eventSvc()->registerObject(EventModel::CalRecon::CalEventEnergy, calEnergy)).isFailure()) { log<<MSG::ERROR<<"Cannot register CalEventEnergy"<<endreq ; return StatusCode::FAILURE ; } } // No clusters no work if (calClusters != 0) { // apply corrections according to vector of tools int itool = 0 ; std::vector<IEnergyCorr *>::const_iterator tool ; for ( tool = m_corrTools.begin(); tool != m_corrTools.end(); ++tool, ++itool ) { log<<MSG::DEBUG<<"Correction "<<itool<<endreq ; (*tool)->doEnergyCorr(calClusters->front()); } // Set the pass number bits calEnergy->setStatusBit(m_passBits); // Go through and pick the "best" energy // For now this consists of choosing the value from CalValsCorrTool // It is envisaged that this will be replaced by a call to a tool/method which examines all // possibilites and chooses the best for the given event for(Event::CalCorToolResultCol::iterator corIter = calEnergy->begin(); corIter != calEnergy->end(); corIter++) { Event::CalCorToolResult* corResult = *corIter; if ((corResult->getStatusBits() & m_corrType) == m_corrType) { // Set the main energy parameters to the selected correction tool values // Should also be setting a bit in CalEventEnergy to describe this? calEnergy->setParams(corResult->getParams()); break; } } } log<<MSG::DEBUG<<"End"<<endreq ; return sc; } StatusCode CalEnergyAlg::finalize() { return StatusCode::SUCCESS ; }