Ancillary DAQ
This section is meant to be a practical reference for running ancillary data taking during the shifts.
Pedestal run
- working directory: /home/glast/DAQ-v3.00/CAENVMETest
- on the console write: PEDEmain
- insert when requested the number of events (suggested value 500)
- on the "Buttons Canvas" press the button:"Open Canvas"
- on the "Buttons Canvas" press the button."Start Pede"
- on the console insert a brief comment to the run
- when the run is enden press on the "Button Canvas" the button: "Stop"
- if tou want to abort the run press "Ctrl-c" on the keyboard. (In this case the threshold mask for the zero.suppression acquisition will not be saved. You need to perform again a pedestal run)
- the pedestal data will be saved in the direcotry:/home/glast/DAQ-v3.00/CAENVMETest/pede in ROOT format and in binary format,
- a text file will be produced for a quick inspection of the pedstal and noise of all the channels
Acquisiton run not synchronized with the CU
- working direcotory: /home/glast/DAQ-v3.00/CAENVMETest
- on the console write: ANCmain
- insert when reqeusted the number of events
- on the "Button Canvas" press the button:"Open Canvas"
- on the "Button Canvas" press the button."Start ACQ"
- on the console insert a brief comment to the run
- when the run is enden press on the "Button Canvas" press the button:"Stop"
- if tou want to abort the run press "Ctrl-c" on the keyboard. (all the data excpet the last spill will be saved anyway)
- the data will be saved in the direcotry:/home/glast/DAQ-v3.00/CAENVMETest/data in ROOT format and in binary format
Acquisiton run synchronized with the CU
- working direcotory: /home/glast/DAQ-v3.00/CAENVMETest
- on the console write: ACQmain
- insert when reqeusted the number of events
- on the "Button Canvas" press the button:"Open Canvas"
- on the "Button Canvas" press the button."Start ACQ"
- on the console insert a brief comment to the run
- wait a Client from RunControl ("Starting server socket on port 2345 -> waiting for a client...")
- on the console you will be prompted with: "Press enter when RC is ready"
- when RunCOntrol is on PASSED status and the sweep event has been acquired you can press "enter" to start the syncronized acqusition
- when the run is enden press on the "Button Canvas" the button: "Stop"
- if tou want to abort the run press "Ctrl-c" on the keyboard. (all the data excpet the last spill will be saved anyway)
- the data will be saved in the direcotry:/home/glast/DAQ-v3.00/CAENVMETest/data in ROOT format and in binary format.
- the data will be onlime merged with the CU data.
In case of shut down of "wkxglast1" (Ancillary ACQ PC)
- login as superuser
- go into the following directory: /usr/local/CAENVME-Rev2.4/Linux/driver/v2718
- on the console write: ./a2818_load.2.6
- logout as superuser
Directory structure
- main directory: /home/glast/DAQ-v3.00
- function direcorties: /home/glast/DAQ-v3.00/ACQFUNC - /home/glast/DAQ-v3.00/ancDAQ
- main programs directory: /home/glast/DAQ-v3.00/CAENVMETest
- data directory: /home/glast/DAQ-v3.00/CAENVMETest/data
- pedestal directory: /home/glast/DAQ-v3.00/CAENVMETest/pede