Installing Python 2.5.1 (built against tcltk 8.4) for Linux
- Download Python 2.5.1 from
- Unzip and change to the directory of the unpacked archive, E.g.,
- tar -zxvf Python-2.5.1.tgz
- cd Python-2.5.1
- *Run, "./configure --prefix=<installation directory>":
- ./configure --prefix=/afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/redhat4-i686-32bit/python/2.5.1-gl1/gcc34/
- Edit the file, "Setup," in the "Modules" directory, "Modules/Setup"
- Enable zlib (Uncomment the line corresponding to "zlib")
- To build Python against tcltck 8.4, there are three lines to edit in the file (I would suggest searching for "_tkinter" in the Modules/Setup file, then following the documentation)
- Enable tkinter, by Uncommenting the line "_tkinter _tkinter.c tkappinit.c -DWITH_APPINIT "
- Uncomment and edit to reflect where your Tcl/Tk libraries are, example
- "-L/afs/"
- Uncomment and edit to reflect where your Tcl/Tk headers are
- Uncomment and edit to reflect your Tcl/Tk versions are
- Run
- make
- make install
* Step 3 must be done before 4. Running, "./configure," generates the file Modules/Setup
While running "make", if you run into any problems finding tcl8.4 or tk8.4 libraries, try setting the environment variable, LD_RUN_PATH to point to the location of the tcltk libraries:
make clean
setenv LD_RUN_PATH <Location of tcltk libraries>
make install
unsetenv LD_RUN_PATH
Installing Python 2.5.1 (built against tcltk 8.4) for Windows
By default, tcl/tk version 8.4 ships with Python 2.5.1 for Windows so just go through the installation process.
- Download the appropriate python2.5.1 msi file for your windows architecture
- Using command.exe, enter the following command
- if installing on a network drive
- msiexec /a <python-msi-path>/python-2.5.1.msi ALLUSERS=1 TARGETDIR=<installation director
- Example, to install python in "V:\Glast_Software\Toaster\GLAST_EXT\Windows-i386-32bit\python\2.5.1-gl1\vcc71" logged in on glast06, enter
- msiexec /a V:\Glast_Software\Toaster\GLAST_EXT\VC8\python\python-2.5.1.msi ALLUSERS=1 TARGETDIR="V:\Glast_Software\Toaster\GLAST_EXT\Windows-i386-32bit\python\2.5.1-gl1\vcc71"
- msiexec /a V:\Glast_Software\Toaster\GLAST_EXT\VC8\python\python-2.5.1.msi ALLUSERS=1 TARGETDIR="V:\Glast_Software\Toaster\GLAST_EXT\Windows-i386-32bit\python\2.5.1-gl1\vcc71"
- if installing on a network drive