The controls camera viewer can be run as:
/reg/g/pcds/controls/pycaqt/pulnix6740.latest/run_pulnix.csh --instrument HUTCH --pvlist CONFIG --camera NUM
HUTCH is one of the standard hutch names (fully capitalized), CONFIG is a viewer configuration file, and NUM is an optional parameter telling which camera number to view initially (defaulting to zero).
The configuration file contains a list of cameras that the viewer can display. Any line that begins with '#' is a comment, and any other line contains either 4 or 5 comma-separated fields with the following information:
The main camera image is displayed in an area in the center of the GUI. By default, this area is 640x640 pixels, but this can be customized on the Expert Mode screen. In this image, the area has been customized to the size of the camera, 480x640. There are also three markers visible in this image, one of them being used for projections.
The control panel is shown at the right of the window. It can be hidden by unchecking the "Show Configuration" item in the "Show/Hide" menu. The controls in this area of the screen include:
Region of interest control. A region of interest can be selected in the viewer by either entering parameters or clicking on the "[Set ROI]" button and then left-clicking and dragging on the image. Clicking on the "Reset ROI" button will set the region of interest to the entire image.
Above and to the left of the main image are the projection areas. The projection can either be an average over the ROI (shown in green), or a projection in the location of an on-image marker. In the image above, both the ROI average and Marker 1 are enabled in the projection area.
A separate set of four markers is also provided in each projection window.
The projection controls are located in the upper-left corner of the window. These include:
The menus provide an alternate way of performing many of the control panel functions as well as a few other rarely-performed operations.
This window allows setting the main window display size as well as the dimension of the projection areas. The buttons are:
1. Open Evr - This will open the standard EVR configuration screen.
2. Apply - This will change the size of the main display screen and projection areas, if the given values are acceptably large.
3. Close - This will close the Advanced Mode window.
4. OK- This will change the size of the main display screen and projection areas, if the given values are acceptably large, and close the Advanced Mode window.