Jefferson Lab/Hall B/HPS Run Wiki
Officially started on Dec 22, 2015.
HPS-JAVA Snapshot: 3.5-20151218.205540-15
DST-maker Release: 0.10
Run Spreadsheet: Google Docs
Detector: HPS-EngRun2015-Nominal-v3-4-fieldmap
Batch Farm Scripts:
Changes Relative to Pass-3:
Steering Files:
Recon | /org/hps/steering/recon/EngineeringRun2015FullRecon.lcsim |
DQ | /org/hps/steering/production/DataQuality.lcsim |
DQM | /org/hps/steering/production/DataQualityRecon.lcsim |
Pulser | /org/hps/steering/production/PulserTriggerFilter.lcsim |
Moller | /org/hps/steering/production/MollerCandidateFilter.lcsim |
FEE | /org/hps/steering/production/FEEFilter.lcsim |
V0 | /org/hps/steering/production/V0CandidateFilter.lcsim |
S0 | /org/hps/steering/production/Single0TriggerFilter.lcsim |
P0 | /org/hps/steering/production/Pair0TriggerFilter.lcsim |
Output Directory Structure:
3.5K EVIO files processed in about 5 days on the batch farm (in competition with upass4) with a failure rate of 1% (almost entirely due to timeouts, limit was set at 30 hours). Failures resubmitted on 1/1/2016 with a much larger time limit. (Note that time limit is the parameter with largest effect on batch farm priority, and that hitting time limit cannot be confused with other error sources since hitting it results in no output files except logs).
30% of the EVIO files resulted in empty v0 and moller skims (here's a list of their run/file numbers). 80% of those empties were from 1.5 mm. Note that files of zero size cannot be written to tape, so you will not see them in /mss. Zero EVIO files resulted in empty pulser skims.
Here's a histogram of wall time per EVIO file (the 800 empty 1.5 mm v0/moller files surely correspond to the peak at 9.5 hours, although I did not confirm that):