FTP Data Server
Sample datasets are publicly available for ILC detector studies . These include LCIO event files and (usually) the Stdhep files used to generate them.
Datasets are available via anonymous ftp from ftp://ftp-lcd.slac.stanford.edu/lcd/ILC. These include LCIO event files and (usually) the Stdhep files used to generate them. You can use a browser such as IE or Firefox to navigate the FTP directories.
- event type - complex or single particle event type, e.g. ZZ, ZPole, muons, etc.
- stdhep - input StdHep files used to generate the events
- detector name - detector geometry tag, such as sidaug05.
- data file format - output datafile format, e.g. LCIO or SIO
- simulator - simulation program that generated the events, e.g. lcdg4, slic, lelaps, mokka, etc.
- logs - simulator job logs
- simulator - simulation program that generated the events, e.g. lcdg4, slic, lelaps, mokka, etc.
- data file format - output datafile format, e.g. LCIO or SIO