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Table of Contents

Starting web GUI for DAQ

 use your browser to start with fastX3: 

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start a new session, and launch a desktop

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right click the desktop, and start a terminal: 

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ssh to rddev111:  ssh -Y rddev111: 

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start firefox with address


: firefox http://localhost:5007/main_SP

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If you need to work for the DAQ development, you can start firefox with http://localhost:5008/main_DAQRD

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Detector Power Supply Control and Live-Camera

Choose the "Detector Power" Tag

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There are 3 buttons for LV power cycle/on/off

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You can read the LV power supply status with the Live-Camera

Run Scan for Rd53 FE

Choose the "Scan Control" Tag at first:

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Click the "Start Scan" button, and waiting about ~10 sec for digital/analog scan

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Some scan information, like scan number, scanType, and scan time are shown in text

The Occupancy map for the digital scan will show on the left.


RCE Node Control simple mode

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RCE Node Control advanced mode

firefox open http://localhost:5009/main_RCEAdm

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Starting bokeh server

go to your host-PC, git clone the YARR devel_python branch:

start bokeh server:  <YOUR YARR PATH>/src/python/

Manually stop bokeh server

run Cmd "ps -ef|grep bokeh" to get the bokeh process ID.

run Cmd "kill -9 <ID>" to keep the bokeh process. 

Create a python virtual env for the bokeh server

go to your host-PC, and a working folder (your user folder, for example)

run Cmd:

1) python3 -m venv bokeh-env

2) source <your folder>/bokeh-env/bin/activate

3) (this is only needed for the first time) install the module:  pip3 install bokeh matplotlib seaborn paho-mqtt

Starting Mosquitto MQTT Broker on host PC

go to your host-PC,

change to admin account, root, for example

run cmd: service mosquitto start
