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Deck of Cards


(lightbulb) =Task completed
(grey lightbulb) = To do

Required Tasks


SG.Coord Approval

Internal Referee/s Approval

Pub. Board Approval

First presentation to the group

(grey lightbulb)




Paper category

(grey lightbulb)

REQUIRED (grey lightbulb)



External Authors

(grey lightbulb)

REQUIRED (grey lightbulb)


REQUIRED(grey lightbulb)

LAT Internal Technical review*

(grey lightbulb)

REQUIRED (grey lightbulb)



Final Draft to internal referee

(grey lightbulb)

REQUIRED (grey lightbulb)



Revised draft and sign-up (2 weeks)

(grey lightbulb)

REQUIRED (grey lightbulb)

REQUIRED (grey lightbulb)



(grey lightbulb)

REQUIRED (grey lightbulb)

REQUIRED (grey lightbulb)


Draft with author list/ack.

(grey lightbulb)




Request to submit

(grey lightbulb)

REQUIRED (grey lightbulb)

REQUIRED (grey lightbulb)

REQUIRED (grey lightbulb)

Request to submit on ArXiv

(grey lightbulb)

REQUIRED (grey lightbulb)


REQUIRED (grey lightbulb)

Request to resubmit after Journal referee comments

(grey lightbulb)

REQUIRED (grey lightbulb)

REQUIRED (grey lightbulb)

REQUIRED (grey lightbulb)

*Presentation of the LAT data analysis to the group.


LAT Contact Authors:


contribution to this project

Romain Rousseau

Analysis of Fermi data

Marie-Hélène Grondin

Search for pulsed emission

Adam Van Etten

Broad-Band modelling

Marianne Lemoine-Goumard


Other LAT Contributors:


contribution to this project



External Authors (Requirements: SG Coord Approval,Pub-board Approval)


contribution to this project


Ben Stappers  

Providing Jodrell's ephemerid for PSR J1856+026 not covered by the MoU


Andrew Lyne

Providing Jodrell's ephemerid for PSR J1856+026 not covered by the MoU

Cristobal Espinoza

Providing Jodrell's ephemerid for PSR J1856+026 not covered by the MoU

labelEVO Agenda

Agenda of the day

labelLAT Analysis
Wiki Markup

* {color:#0000ff}*[Standards for High Level Analisys|]*{color}
* {color:#0000ff}*[LAT Statistics Board|]*{color}
* {color:#0000ff}*[Interactive LAT Source Catalog|]*{color}
* {color:#0000ff}*[Analysis Users forum|]*{color}
* {color:#0000ff}*[LAT Analysis Page (Workbook)|]*{color}

h4. General Information (this is just an example, please update it)

h4. Source list (if applicable)

|| NAME || 1/2FGL NAME || RA || DEC || Notes ||
| | | | | |

| Data Set | Pass 7 \\ |
| Event class | Source (evclsmin/max = 2) |
| Energy range | 100 MeV - 300 GeV |
| Time interval | UTC_Start \-UTC_stop (MET 239557417 - ) |
| ROI size | 10° |
| Zenith angle (applied also to gtltcube?) | < 100° |
| Time cuts filter | DATA_QUAL==1 && LAT_CONFIG==1 && ABS(ROCK_ANGLE)<52 |
| Science Tools version | v9r21p0 |
| IRFs 	P7_V6_Source |
| Diffuse emission | ring_2years_P76_v0.fits, isotrop_2year_P76_source_v0.txt and limb_2year_P76_source_v0_smooth.txt \\ |
| Optimizer and tolerance | Minuit (1e-3 ABS) |
| Catalog/s | Preliminary 2-year (gll_psc24month_v2.fits) |

h4. Spatial and Spectral Analysis

The whole analysis is summarized here [|Glast:HESS J1857+026 analysis].

HESS data has shown an emission located at RA=284.3°, DEC=2.68°. It remained unidentified untill the detection of PSR J1856+026 in Arecibo PALFA survey (Hessels et al 2008).

Here we tested the source for extension using pointlike then gtlike and found no significant extension. !TSmap_10GeV.png|border=1!

Fig. 1 Residual TS map obtained between 10GeV and 300GeV. Here HESS  J1857 is not included in the model.

The green contours are those  obtained using HESS data (Aharonian et al.,2008).

The SED shown a hard spectrum consistent with those of HESS and MAGIC. The best fit between 300MeV and 300GeV yields to the following parameters :

Int Flux(100MeV-100GeV) =&nbsp; (5.79 ± 0:75 ± 3.11) X 10^{-9} MeV/cm^2/s

Gamma = 1.52 ± 0.16 ± 0.55

With a TS of 38.7.


h4. Systematic Errors Analysis

The systematics were estimated using the bracketting IRFS, fitting the source galactic background level at \+/\- 6% of the value of the best fit and the systematics on the shape of the source were computed using a template consistent with the extension derived using HESS data.

h4. Broad-Band modelling

h4. Other Analysis

HESS 1857 is powered by a young and energetic pulsar, with a gamma-ray efficiency of 3.7% consistent with those observed using HESS data (3.1%) and consistent with the other values observed for the PWNe detected by Fermi.

An upper limit on the DC emission pulsar yield to a luminosity < 8.27 X 10^10\^{35} erg/s.

labelOther/MW Analysis




















labelInternal Referee report

Internal referee report 1 (name)

Authors response to referee 1

internal referee report 2 (name)

Authors response to referee 2

labelJournal Referee report

Journal referee report

Authors response to the referee

labelUseful LAT links