LCPhys is a Geant4 physics list written by Dennis Wright for simulation of events in ILC detectors.
LCPhys Source Code Documentation (doxygen)
LCPhys contains the following classes.
- LCPhysicsList - physics list definition; subclass of G4VModularPhysicsList
- LCDecayPhysics - particle decays
- LCBosonPhysics - gammas and geantinos
- LCLeptonPhysics - leptons
- LCHadronPhysics - hadron physics
- LCIonPhysics - ion physics
Particle Decays
Applies G4Decay process to all applicable particles.
- G4Geantino
- G4ChargedGeantino
- G4Gamma
- G4GammaConversion
- G4ComptonScattering
- G4PhotoElectricEffect
- G4GammaNuclearReaction - gamma nuclear low
- 0 to 3.5 GeV
- G4TheoFSGenerator - high energy gamma nuclear model
- 3.0 GeV to 100.0 TeV
- G4GeneratorPrecompoundInterface - high energy gamma transport
- G4QGSModel - string model
- G4QGSMFragmentation - string fragmentation model (template)
- G4ExcitedStringDecay - concrete fragmentation model
- G4Electron, G4Positron
- G4MultipleScattering
- G4eIonisation
- G4eBremsstrahlung
- G4Electron
- G4ElectronNuclearProcess
- G4ElectroNuclearReaction
- G4ElectronNuclearProcess
- G4Positron
- G4eplusAnnihilation
- G4PositronNuclearProcess
- G4ElectroNuclearReaction
- G4MuonMinus, G4MuonPlus
- G4MultipleScattering
- G4MuIonisation
- G4MuBremsstrahlung
- G4MuPairProduction
- G4TauMinus, G4TauPlus
- G4MultipleScattering
- G4hIonisation
- G4NeutrinoE
- G4AntiNeutrinoE
- G4NeutrinoMu
- G4AntiNeutrinoMu
- G4NeutrinoTau
- G4AntiNeutrinoTau
No Neutrino Physics
Geant4 does not include the simulation of neutrino physics, except their transport.
Hadron Physics
This class creates the mesons using G4MesonConstructor, baryons with G4BaryonConstructor, and resonances and quarks with G4ShortLivedConstructor.
Hadron Models
- hadronic elastic process and model - same for all hadrons
G4HadronElasticProcess* elasticProcess = new G4HadronElasticProcess(); G4LElastic* elasticModel = new G4LElastic(); elasticProcess->RegisterMe(elasticModel);
- Bertini cascade model for p,n,pi+,pi- between 0 and 9.9 GeV
G4CascadeInterface* bertiniModel = new G4CascadeInterface(); bertiniModel->SetMaxEnergy(9.9*GeV);
- Bertini cascade model for K+,K-,K0L,K0S,Lambda,Sigma+,Sigma-,Xi0,Xi- between 0 and 13 GeV
G4CascadeInterface* bertiniModelStrange = new G4CascadeInterface(); bertiniModelStrange->SetMaxEnergy(13*GeV);
- Low energy parameterized models between 9.5 and 25 GeV
- The LEP models are defined for each type of particle. (see below)
- Quark-Gluon String Model (QGSP) for p,n,pi+,pi-,K+,K-,K0L,K0S between 12 GeV and 100 TeV
- G4TheoFSGenerator
- G4GeneratorPrecompoundInterface - transport
- G4PreCompoundModel - deexcitation
- G4QGSModel - high energy generator
- G4ExcitedStringDecay - fragmentation model
- G4QGSMFragmentation - Quark-Gluon String model fragmentation
- G4ExcitedStringDecay - fragmentation model
- G4GeneratorPrecompoundInterface - transport
- G4TheoFSGenerator
Defining the QGSP process and model in LCHadronPhysics.cc.
G4TheoFSGenerator* QGSPModel = new G4TheoFSGenerator(); G4GeneratorPrecompoundInterface* theCascade = new G4GeneratorPrecompoundInterface(); G4ExcitationHandler* exHandler = new G4ExcitationHandler(); G4PreCompoundModel* preCompound = new G4PreCompoundModel(exHandler); theCascade->SetDeExcitation(preCompound); QGSPModel->SetTransport(theCascade); G4QGSMFragmentation* frag = new G4QGSMFragmentation(); G4ExcitedStringDecay* stringDecay = new G4ExcitedStringDecay(frag); G4QGSModel<G4QGSParticipants>* stringModel = new G4QGSModel<G4QGSParticipants>(); stringModel->SetFragmentationModel(stringDecay); QGSPModel->SetHighEnergyGenerator(stringModel); QGSPModel->SetMinEnergy(12*GeV); QGSPModel->SetMaxEnergy(100*TeV);
- G4PionPlus
- G4PionMinus
- G4KaonPlus
- G4KaonMinus
- G4KaonZeroLong
- G4KaonZeroShort
- G4Proton
- G4AntiProton
- G4Neutron
- G4AntiNeutron
- G4Lambda
- G4AntiLambda
- G4SigmaMinus
- G4AntiSigmaMinus
- G4SigmaPlus
- G4AntiSigmaPlus
- G4XiMinus
- G4AntiXiMinus
- G4XiZero
- G4AntiXiZero
- G4OmegaMinus
- G4AntiOmegaMinus