We will meet a 10am Pacific time in the SLAC Ballam room and VRVS Vela room.
- Pipeline II update - Tony et al
- Pipeline Front End 2.3 in DEV http://glast-tomcat03.slac.stanford.edu:8080/Pipeline-II
- User preferences added
- Monitoring of batch priorities
- New hierarchical display added to stream status PFE-138@JIRA
- (In Progress) Eliminate use of STREAMPATH to speed up displays PFE-131@JIRA
- (In Progress) Add regular expression filtering in stream view PFE-139@JIRA
- (In Progress) More flexible filtering (e.g. not success) PFE-130@JIRA
- Pipeline Server 0.7.3-SNAPSHOT in DEV
- Rollback now automatically moves old files aside
- Jobs are now submitted under different user id depending on the type of the task.
- if tasktype = data -> glastraw
- if tasktype = mc -> glastmc
- if tasktype= in2p3 -> lyon
- else -> glast
- Support for querying data catalog
- Support for submitting jobs to remote site (needs testing)
- xrootd - update on outstanding issues - Wilko
- ISOC logging from the pipeline - Steve
- Downlink and Acquisition Tracking (Bryson)