Blog from May, 2016

Upcoming upgrade to JIRA

We're happy to announce that plans are in the works to upgrade to the latest release of JIRA. JIRA 7 introduces a number of new features to JIRA, which are detailed in Atlassian's Migration Hub

As the first step in the process I'd like to invite users of SLAC JIRA to test out the new version. We have an upgraded install of JIRA on our testing site located at Be aware that this testing system is restricted only users connected from within the SLAC network, so you won't be able to see it if you're not on-site or using a VPN connection.

Feel free to take a look around, try out your projects, and make sure everything looks good. Keep in mind that this system isn't regularly synced from the production service, so some newer changes may not reflected in the testing system. 

Send your feedback to We will make follow-up announcement in the coming weeks with details about our planned upgrade date. If you know of any upcoming events that may be impacted by a JIRA upgrade please let us know and we can work around those dates as much as possible.