- Reminder that SLAC Management plan was circulated via email. Any comments due by the end of November to the Director's office
- Anders reported on a meeting held by HR to list recent changes
- new designation of job levels at Senior Staff - 4P5 is what affects SCA mostly (no apparent effect on the promotion process)
- Senior Staff now employed "At will"
- otherwise "just cause" has been replaced by "some cause" - see the Admin memo attached to the meeting agenda.
- there were some details on minima for time off reported on timesheets:
- PTO and vacation must be taken in increments of 4h
- Sick time in 1h increments
- Floating holiday: Normally taken in full day increments
- Update on Scientific Computing Steering Committee activities
- a first pre-meeting (committee not yet officially created) held Fri Nov 12 to establish vision and early agenda
- will hold a "scientific computing jamboree" in the Feb time frame to learn what the directorates are doing and needing and how CD fits into it
- encouraging CD to support a good forum tool for communications. Imre Kabai leading the effort. So far, the candidates narrowed to confluence bubbles and FUDforum. These are being tested by beta testers to see if they seem ok at first blush. Will look into broader input before long. For a sneak peek at the FUDForum tool, see: http://fudforum-test.slac.stanford.edu/
- will commission a review of CD M&S licences, maintenance contracts etc
- still need to tweak the recharge model - we did not really look at how it goes into the future; just figured out how to pay for what is on the floor now.
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