LCLS data of hexanode detector
- exp=xpptut15:run=390 - amod3814, runs 85, see Publicly Available Practice Data
Waveform processing with CFD method
- algorithm psalg.find_edges
- as is:
- problems
- definition of rising:
bool rising = threshold_value > baseline_value; // does not allow to use real baseline...
- finds many signals in crossing of threshold forth and back due to noise - add constrain on signal width as: width>deadtime
- bug in sign for fraction*(peak-baseline_value)
- definition of rising:
- fixed:
- has implementation of methods to access psana data like it is donein hexanode/src/LMF_IO.cpp
for LMF file format.hexanode/examples/
- example of LMF data processing in python equivalent to firmware examplesort
- example of LMF data processing with matplotlib graphicashexanode/examples/
- example of processing LCLS data with graphics - slow 30Hz, but 200Hz for cached data...hexanode/examples/
- acqiris waveform processing and saving in hdf5 file
Data processing
exp=xpptut15:run=390 - amod3814, runs 85, see Publicly Available Practice Data
- sorter_data_cfg.txt - configuration file
2 = calibrate fu,fv,fw, w_offset - process data in this mode, adjust scale factors (using values printed at the end of data processing) and set parameters to get time sum peak at 0:
- 3 = generate correction tables and write them to disk - processing in this mode generates correction tables saved in the file calibration_table_data.txt
- 1 = sort - normal mode to get calibrated data
Number of hits per channel
Spectra of time per channel
Spectra of U, V, W (ns)
Spectra of U, V, W (mm)
Spectra of Xuv, Xuw, Xvw (mm)
- about the same as above spectra
Spectra of Yuv, Yuw, Yvw (mm)
- about the same as above spectra
Time sum (ns) for U, V, W
Time sum (ns) corrected for U, V, W
Deviation, Consistency Indicator, Reconstruction method
Time sum vs. variable U, V, W
xy image for hit1 and 2
XY image for uv, uw, and vw components
Resolution map
Reflection for all channels
Physics plots t1,x,y vs t0
- slow data processing 30Hz, but 200Hz for cached data (1-st 1000 events at repeated processing)
- Presumably it is due to slow access to psana data
Interactive job performance
Script hexanode/examples/ - generates hdf5 file using MPIDataSource and smalldata classes
Speed of processing test on psanaphi110 for entire sample of 260386 events:
Number of core (-n) Processing time (sec) Processing frequency (Hz) 2 2018 129 4 3613 72 8 708 367 16 597 430 16 1985 131 32 531 490 64 3001 131 - Script hexanode/examples/ -processes hdf5 file and generates a bunch of plots
MPI job in batch
Command to process 260368 events on psnehq (one on psanaq), sending one job in queue in order to not compete for the same data:
bsub -o log-mpi-n16-%J.log -q psnehq -n 16 mpirun python hexanode/examples/
Number of cores (-n) | Processing time (sec) | Processing frequency (Hz) |
1 | 6977 | 37 |
2 | 1931 | 135 |
4 | 1163 | 224 |
8 | 714 | 365 |
16 on psnehq on psanaq | 493 658 | 528 357 |
32 | 1046 732 | 249 356 |
64 | 288 329 | 904 791 |