Optical measurements
E-mail from Gabriel:
Today we measured the metrology for the MEC quad.
Mikhail, could you please update the metrology? It should be applied to all experiments between April 3rd 2015 and June 3rd 2015.
As always, please use only the metrology files provided by Mikhail and not the raw file attached here.
Gabriel and Philip
- 2015-04-03-Quad-MEC-Metrology.xlsx - file with optical measurements from Gabriel
- 2015-04-03-Quad-MEC-Metrology.txt - text version of the same file
- 2015-04-03-Quad-MEC-Metrology-corr.txt - text version of the file with 1-point correction
Quality check
Quality check in X-Y plane:
segm: S1 S2 dS1 dS2 L1 L2 dL1 dL2 angle(deg) D1 D2 dD d(dS) d(dL) Quad 0 segm: 0 -20907 -20908 -117 -118 43541 43544 -60 -57 -0.15461 48300 48303 -3 1 -3 segm: 1 -20927 -20920 -135 -128 43541 43548 -69 -62 -0.17303 48308 48312 -4 -7 -7 segm: 2 -20911 -20911 95 95 -43541 -43552 -43 -54 0.12499 48309 48304 5 0 11 segm: 3 -20907 -20913 -38 -44 -43540 -43544 22 18 -0.05395 48302 48302 0 6 4 segm: 4 20911 20913 -126 -124 -43232 -43232 -61 -61 0.16566 48024 48023 1 -2 0 segm: 5 20909 20912 -311 -308 -43481 -43549 -80 -148 0.40751 48248 48310 -62 -3 68 segm: 6 -20909 -20909 -70 -70 -43541 -43541 33 33 -0.09211 48301 48300 1 0 0 segm: 7 -20916 -20918 -71 -73 -43545 -43546 38 37 -0.09474 48306 48311 -5 2 1
Quality check in Z
segm: SA LA XSize YSize dZS1 dZS2 dZL1 dZL2 dZSA dZLA ddZS ddZL dZX dZY angXZ(deg) angYZ(deg) dz3(um) Quad 0 segm: 0 -20907 43542 43542 20907 -112 3 -76 39 -54 -18 -115 -115 -18 -54 -0.02369 -0.14799 115.001 segm: 1 -20923 43544 43544 20923 3 35 7 39 19 23 -32 -32 23 19 0.03026 0.05203 31.995 segm: 2 -20911 -43546 20911 43546 -21 33 0 54 6 27 -54 -54 6 27 0.01644 0.03553 -53.986 segm: 3 -20910 -43542 20910 43542 -13 -1 4 16 -7 10 -12 -12 -7 10 -0.01918 0.01316 -11.999 segm: 4 20912 -43232 43232 20912 -46 6 -45 7 -20 -19 -52 -52 -19 -20 -0.02518 -0.05480 51.999 segm: 5 20910 -43515 43515 20910 73 40 40 7 56 23 33 33 23 56 0.03028 0.15345 -33.069 segm: 6 -20909 -43541 20909 43541 -1 -7 -18 -24 -4 -21 6 6 -4 -21 -0.01096 -0.02763 6.000 segm: 7 -20917 -43545 20917 43545 -3 -7 14 10 -5 12 4 4 -5 12 -0.01370 0.01579 4.000
In segment 5 one point has 68um offset.
Correction : line 24 90798 69683 -61
is substituted by 24 90866 69683 -61
Quality check after correction
Quality check in X-Y plane:
segm: S1 S2 dS1 dS2 L1 L2 dL1 dL2 angle(deg) D1 D2 dD d(dS) d(dL) ... segm: 5 20909 20912 -311 -308 -43549 -43549 -148 -148 0.40719 48309 48310 -1 -3 0 ...
Quality check in Z
segm: SA LA XSize YSize dZS1 dZS2 dZL1 dZL2 dZSA dZLA ddZS ddZL dZX dZY angXZ(deg) angYZ(deg) dz3(um) ... segm: 5 20910 -43549 43549 20910 73 40 40 7 56 23 33 33 23 56 0.03026 0.15345 -33.006 ...
type "center":
199.26 198.39 309.87 97.57 627.18 627.89 711.05 498.16 199.26 198.39 309.87 97.57 627.18 627.89 711.05 498.16 199.26 198.39 309.87 97.57 627.18 627.89 711.05 498.16 199.26 198.39 309.87 97.57 627.18 627.89 711.05 498.16 306.77 94.55 624.16 624.43 514.80 727.65 199.50 199.97 306.77 94.55 624.16 624.43 514.80 727.65 199.50 199.97 306.77 94.55 624.16 624.43 514.80 727.65 199.50 199.97 306.77 94.55 624.16 624.43 514.80 727.65 199.50 199.97 -0.10 -0.34 -0.03 -0.15 0.00 -0.12 0.18 -0.10 -0.10 -0.34 -0.03 -0.15 0.00 -0.12 0.18 -0.10 -0.10 -0.34 -0.03 -0.15 0.00 -0.12 0.18 -0.10 -0.10 -0.34 -0.03 -0.15 0.00 -0.12 0.18 -0.10
type "tilt":
-0.15461 -0.17303 0.12499 -0.05395 0.16566 0.40719 -0.09211 -0.09474 -0.15461 -0.17303 0.12499 -0.05395 0.16566 0.40719 -0.09211 -0.09474 -0.15461 -0.17303 0.12499 -0.05395 0.16566 0.40719 -0.09211 -0.09474 -0.15461 -0.17303 0.12499 -0.05395 0.16566 0.40719 -0.09211 -0.09474
type "geometry":
# TITLE Geometry parameters of CSPAD # DATE_TIME 2015-06-04 13:57:52 PDT # METROLOGY /reg/g/psdm/detector/alignment/cspad/calib-mec-2015-04-03/work/metrology.txt # AUTHOR dubrovin # EXPERIMENT MEC # DETECTOR CSPAD # CALIB_TYPE geometry # COMMENT:01 Table contains the list of geometry parameters for alignment of 2x1 sensors, quads, CSPAD, etc # COMMENT:02 All translation and rotation pars of the object are defined w.r.t. parent object Cartesian frame # PARAM:01 PARENT - name and version of the parent object # PARAM:02 PARENT_IND - index of the parent object # PARAM:03 OBJECT - name and version of the object # PARAM:04 OBJECT_IND - index of the new object # PARAM:05 X0 - x-coordinate [um] of the object origin in the parent frame # PARAM:06 Y0 - y-coordinate [um] of the object origin in the parent frame # PARAM:07 Z0 - z-coordinate [um] of the object origin in the parent frame # PARAM:08 ROT_Z - object design rotation angle [deg] around Z axis of the parent frame # PARAM:09 ROT_Y - object design rotation angle [deg] around Y axis of the parent frame # PARAM:10 ROT_X - object design rotation angle [deg] around X axis of the parent frame # PARAM:11 TILT_Z - object tilt angle [deg] around Z axis of the parent frame # PARAM:12 TILT_Y - object tilt angle [deg] around Y axis of the parent frame # PARAM:13 TILT_X - object tilt angle [deg] around X axis of the parent frame # HDR PARENT IND OBJECT IND X0[um] Y0[um] Z0[um] ROT-Z ROT-Y ROT-X TILT-Z TILT-Y TILT-X QUAD:V1 0 SENS2X1:V1 0 21902 33719 -11 0 0 0 -0.15461 -0.02369 -0.14799 QUAD:V1 0 SENS2X1:V1 1 21806 10392 -37 0 0 0 -0.17303 0.03026 0.05203 QUAD:V1 0 SENS2X1:V1 2 34061 68607 -3 270 0 0 0.12499 0.01644 0.03553 QUAD:V1 0 SENS2X1:V1 3 10725 68637 -16 270 0 0 -0.05395 -0.01918 0.01316 QUAD:V1 0 SENS2X1:V1 4 68939 56587 0 180 0 0 0.16566 -0.02518 -0.05480 QUAD:V1 0 SENS2X1:V1 5 69017 79982 -12 180 0 0 0.40719 0.03026 0.15345 QUAD:V1 0 SENS2X1:V1 6 78158 21929 20 270 0 0 -0.09211 -0.01096 -0.02763 QUAD:V1 0 SENS2X1:V1 7 54758 21981 -10 270 0 0 -0.09474 -0.01370 0.01579 ... CSPAD:V1 0 QUAD:V1 0 -4500 -4500 0 90 0 0 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 CSPAD:V1 0 QUAD:V1 1 -4500 4500 0 0 0 0 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 CSPAD:V1 0 QUAD:V1 2 4500 4500 0 270 0 0 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 CSPAD:V1 0 QUAD:V1 3 4500 -4500 0 180 0 0 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 RAIL 0 CSPAD:V1 0 0 0 1000000 0 0 0 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 IP 0 RAIL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
Alignment check with rings
exp=meci0215:run=55 detector is tilted, so orthogonal to the beam projection does not work well:
Parameters for geometry
(and old style center
and tilt
) are available in
Archive: /reg/g/psdm/detector/alignment/cspad/calib-mec-2015-04-03/calib/calib/CsPad::CalibV1/MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad.0/geometry/ - -
corrected 68um offset for point 24.
Deployment: for all experiments between April 3rd 2015 and June 3rd 2015.
In segment 5 one point has 68um offset. Two files are available for corrected and non-corrected optical measurements.
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