8/24/23 Follow-Up in italics


Hardin, Corey L. 

Ray Rodriguez 

LaFortune, Kai Nicholas 

Ginger DeContreras 

Yang, Steven 

Evans, Ian Walter 

Alex Wallace 

Tom Spinka 

Kim, Ji 

Rossignol, Charles F  

Cunningham, Eric Flint 

Justin Galbraith

Ashray Patel

John Peterson (LLNL)

Robert Plummer

March 24th TI meeting recording files - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MxWPl-B9O3ZvEkgLin_kG9aCJdpZcYv3?usp=sharing

Installation Sequence - Corey Hardin


Corey notes that this model is in progress.  Charles notes that they will do clash detection.


Primary Access Tunnel plus secondary tunnel to Far Hall.  16' stay clear for main target chamber to pass.  8' x 8' access corridor maintained through cavern.  Initial apertures through shield wall much larger, then will be filled.  CH: need to figure out door swings.

TAX Features
  • Steel lattice structure with 2 levels
  • Gantry crane that covers central section of TAX to help assemble steel structure, bring in heavier components like SLIMs
  • Elevator will be on wall.  ADA compliant?  Not determined yet.  (I. Evans: NEH lessons-learned, need conversation with Ralph Kerwin)
  • 3 floors
  • Note: Another elevator for equipment platform in vestibule between laser halls - chillers, PCUs, air handler, racks

Day 1: TAO

Long term: Support Building

Installation Sequence


  1. Pre co-occupancy: gantry crane and elevator
  2. During Co-occupancy staging and protection, components larger than 8' x 8'.  General:  Temporary bracing needed?  Anything under vacuum?
    1. Target Chamber (on stand?). Mirror box, other equipment needs to be installed on west wall prior to final installation of target chamber.
    2. Compressor Vessel
    3. Beam Transport Chamber (MB2 and MB4).  
    4. Optional pre-BO items that would be nice to stage due to size/final location if ready:  SPARC beam dump (compressor final stage-need to break out in P6), MB1.
  3. After Beneficial Occupancy (west to east, bottom to top)
    1. MB2 chamber (Mirror Box 2–Needs to be staged prior to co-occupancy–move to #2)
      1. Sub-assemblies need to be maintainable
    2. Target chamber on stand (or could be done during co-occupancy)
    3. Diagnostics and Slims (note: moving Slims from port to port might take a week or two, loading a diagnostic should be quick) We will not move SLIMS - final placement.
    4. Steel lattice level 1
    5. Diagnostics and Slims
    6. Steel lattice level 2
    7. X-ray beam transport
    8. Vacuum connections and gate valves
      1. Plan for gate valve replacement?  No crane coverage.  Need local lifting solution.  RR:  identify stay-clear and path.  CH:  may not be possible with current layout.

Post-BO Installation sequence - discussion 8/24/23

  1. TAX, Laser Halls
    1. All equipment on west wall–will be on hand prior to CF BO.
  2. Laser Vestibule - elevator, stairs, racks for equipment with cable length limitations...
  3. Need to consider Metrology Network.  Construction tolerances?  Shield wall coupled/decoupled from slab and structure?
During Operations

Plan for accessing components inside the chamber is to remove the lid.  TS notes that staging area needs to be considered.

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