Single photon gain/noise for old and new settings (Zongde)

  • ASIC3 gain&noise

  • ASIC2 gain&noise

Cross-talk correction for single photon under mask column-wise (Zongde)

  • Dark pixel common mode correction

  • Dark pixel but with low flux photon leakage

Pedestal and offsets at transition point for new settings for both temperatures (Bhavna/Philip) 

TID lab Charge injection tests (Alex&Xavier)

Charge injection with variable number of columns, while monitoring a control pixel (non-injected), in auto gain. Injected columns are: 14 - 374, 86 - 374, 158 - 374, 230 - 374 and 302 - 374. The cross-talk magnitude increases with the amount of charge injected:

Same as above but in HDR (high dynamic range) auto gain:
CompTH_ePixM = 24
Precharge_DAC_ePixM = 50
RefinN = 7
RefinP = 7

The apparent step-function point at around 400 pulser value corresponds to gain switching point in injected pixels. Now the question is what causes this jump in non-injected pixels

Measuring the effect of charge injection block position on the control pixel shows that the step point position (pulser value at which the jump occurs) changes, as well as the baseline after the step. In this measurement the injected columns were 14 - 86, 86 - 158, 158 - 230, 230 - 302 and 302 - 374 (72 columns per injection step), while monitoring the same pixel 103,4.

Here is a plot of the first and last extremes for clarity (colors do not correspond to the plot above) 

So, not only the amount of charge affects the baseline (non-injected pixel), but the position of the charge on the asic relative to the control pixel.

Auto gain (Low noise), Blue trace is injected pixel, orange trace is non-injected pixel I monitor for crosstalk. 

Auto gain (High dynamic range)

Register optimization, part 1

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