Hutch: MFX

Beam: 11.05keV

Test the detector with targets (Cu, Ag, Yttrium)

Run summary:


X-10059 - Hansson (5/12/2024)
The second round of testing for the ePixM prototype detector. This experiment aimed to generate L-line fluorescence from Yttrium (Y) and Silver (Ag) to gain insights into the sensor's depletion depth characteristics and its response linearity to photons in this energy range. The beamline was set to unseeded mode at 11.2 keV. Fluorescence from the targets was collected under various biases ranging from -50V to -110V and at different attenuation levels. Data analysis is now underway.

Data analysis beamtime:


ePixM beamtime overview - results_Conny.pptx

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