New port Picomotor Controller/Driver Model 8742 is used in few facilities and projects in SLAC, which also has EPICS driver for it.

The common start st.cmd file is in motion/motion-git/iocBoot/common/init_pico_fmV303.cmd 

For the picomotor 8742 there are many versions of firmware. In Firmware 3.0.4, the update Release notes said:

VERSION 3.04 September 09, 2016
Fixes: Allows a \n or \r character to terminate a command on the telnet interface, rather
than just a \r character.

Which means before firmware 3.0.4, the terminate character can only be "\r" but not "\n" or "\n\r"

In init_pico_fmV303.cmd , I have already modified the terminate character to "\r" so the picomotor ioc can operate successfully.

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