LCLS use of Matlab
Files | Host Access | Location |
Source | SLAC Unix farm | /afs/slac/g/lcls/epics/extensions/src/labca |
| SLAC Unix farm | /afs/slac/g/lcls/matlab |
Log | lcls-dev | /home/matlab |
MATLAB Testing: Subsystem Interface Control
Interfaces and PV Lists by Subsystem or Device
- Magnets
- LLRF Subsystem
- see attached file LLRF Control Design Specification (*.pdf), especially section 3.4 VME Software Design, pg. 34
- Laser Subsystem
- BPMs
- Wire Scanners
- PMTs
- Toroids
- Faraday Cups
- OTRs
- YAGs
- Bunch Length Monitor
- Vacuum Subsystem
- Beam Sychronous Acquisition and Control (BSAC database of the slc-aware IOC)
- Beam Sychronous Event Requests and Timing Triggers
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Where do I put changes to the standard environment setup?
A: Put them in /home/physics/<username>/ENVS.
See /home/physics/zelazny/ENVS for an example.
Q: How do I check things out of cvs?
A: To checkout software (you only need to do this once):
cd /home/physics/zelazny
cvs co matlab/toolbox
Q: How do I put things back in cvs?
A: To put software into cvs:
cd /home/physics/zelazny/matlab/toolbox
cvs commit -m "comment" <filename>
Q: How do I release to production?
A: To make software available to others, type the following cvs2prod
Q: How do I get files from /afs to the channel access network?
A: To get a file from /afs that's not in cvs:
scp loos@lcls-prod02:~loos/controls/profmon/profmon_setup.m .
Q: Where are the Matlab data files?
lcls-srv01: ls -als $MATLABDATAFILES
lcls-prod02: ls -als ls /mccfs2/u1/lcls/matlab
SLAC web browsers: click here
Q: I'm totally lost, what do I do?
A: Call Mike Zelazny x3673 (cell) 650/814-1418