Link to BPM HE installation information.
1.) Create New HE Installation Branch on BpmSoft-App Update/add unds bpms to reflect all the new hardware configurations
- in sys0-bp05 we update unds bpm hardware information. (completed)
- calparmsUNDS rework this so that the fanouts links are in order. append new bpms! (completed) nneeds a test now.
- sys0-bp01 update the substitutions and ensure they are in order. (completed)
- sys0-bp03, nothing for now
- bp04 list of bpms that needs to be updated (completed)
- and bp06 needs to be updates (completed)
- update sub-arch files (completed)
- in bp04 and bp06 comment out bpms that are not going to be instrumented this downtime (completed)
2.) Displays and tools
- update displays gadc/unds_main, unds_cavity_bpm_calibration, matlab program to iron all the bpms, event/unds_main/bpms, network/unds_main, IOCManager
- update alarm tree
- update score "Unds Cavity BPM Cal" , "bpm" , "UNDS Taper", "BSA-CUSXR", if undulator bpms update "UNDS Taper" , "UNDS CAM",
- Add ALH visibility-rule-based asterisks to UNDS (and any other BPM displays that don't have them)
- Remove LTUS:987 from the UNDS GADC screen and add it to the LTUS screen
3.) Update
4.) Similarily repeat, for BPM app.
- Be sure to branch from the branch mr_branch_eic -→> called it : unds_he_mr_branch-eic (completed)
- in iocBoot/lcls → update as needed unds IOCs (completed)
- figure out MPS in iocBoot/lcls/sioc-unds-bp0 [1 - 7] /st.cmd (completed)
- If the bpm is not use you are going to have to avoid booting these iocs. A list of iocs to not boot is as follows:
- sioc-unds-bp01 (contains BPMS:LTUS:987 and BPMS:UNDS:1590)
- sioc-unds-bp04 (contains BPMS:UNDS:2090)
- For all either siocs keep in mind some devices have been commented out
- All siocs have received a BPM prefix and App ID
- Need to recheck prefix stuff before the merge though. (incomplete)
- sioc-unds-bp30 talks to the receivers (job is to talk to all the bpm ioc receivers (update confluence page). LCLS Cavity BPM Receivers Network Information (completed)
- bpm ioc receiver info to set sioc-unds-bp30/st.cmd (completed)
- talk to Jeremy to make sure we are all on the same page for bpm and mps connections. Make sure his bpm ioc references get updated as well (completed)
- Check with James for 16,19,21,24 (existing), 22,23 (new) and see if any have undulators. (ALL EXISTING BPMS HAVE MOVERS, UNDULATORS?)
6.) Other tasks
- Add new BPMs (2290, 2390) to and IOCs (completed)
- Add new BPM IOCs (bp16-bp19), new ATCA crate (unds-sp05-1), new CPU (unds-sp05) to IOCManager (completed)
- Add new BPMs, IOCs, crate, CPU, TPRs gadc, ntwk, evnt alarm handlers (completed)
- Disable future devices in alarm handler (completed):
- BPMS:UNDS:1590
- BPMS:UNDS:1790
- BPMS:UNDS:1890
- BPMS:UNDS:2090
- Remove sioc-unds-bp01 and sioc-unds-bp04 from screniocs (completed)
- Use 'before' autosave files to push correct settings after BPMs' IOCs have changed (and autosave itself won't work)
- Compare new and old settings for pre-existing BPMs/TPRs, etc. and ensure no changes have occurred
- Set up new devices with good initial settings
- For SONYA--BPMs whose TPR names have changed, transfer their TPR MSGDLY and TREF settings to new units
- For SONYA–BPMs whose TPR names have changed, transfer their TDES, TCTL, TWID, channel source for both NC/SC (everything) to new PVs