Beam Test team face to face meeting - NRL collaboration meeting

Tuesday november 13, 12.30 - 14, room Salon.
The meeting will be broadcasted with evo.

This is an informal meeting, nevertheless we have an agenda:

  • Collaboration meeting talk rehersal (Johan) and discussion
  • Quenching effects from ions and muons
  • X-Y Electron scanning studies
  • Open discussion on plans forward, in particular:
    • quantify BT environment systematic error on discrepancies: the idea is to measure the effects of scans of bt parameters (e.g. beam energy dispersion, divergence, impact point, extra material) on data-MC discrepancies, in order to understand how much of the current disagreement is inherent to the MC and how much from the bt environment
    • how to make data-like simulations: scale ntuple variables? work at digi levels?
    • how to assess consequences on background rejection and science analyis: reprocess exisiting background files (if we change ntuples), rebuild CT, check rejection cuts, check high level performances (Aeff, PSF, energy dispersion), check effects on template analysis (e.g. a spectral index, cutoff)
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