Outline of the Beam Test Analysis Memo


Geant4 package and simulations checks
  • G3-G4 comparisons
  • G4-EGSE comparisons
  • CU geometry handling: standalone G4 CUTower simulation
  • Low energy EM physics and discovery of LPM effect - improvement in TKR hits
  • Hadronic physics lists
  • Realistics TKR signal digitization algorithm
Geometry cross-checks
  • TKR material audit
    • w thickness - corrected in BT and GR
    • missing mass in the tray boundaries and in the bottom tray - not corrected
  • CAL material audit - implemented
  • Realistic TKR tray geometry (honeycomb core, glue dots, strips)
  • Effect of TKR alignment

Data integrity checks

Beamline checks and scan on extra material
  • beam spot tuning and effect on data-MC agreement
  • pressure scan on cerenkov, studies with extra layers of material before the CU and between TKR and CAL
CAL calibration
  • pedestal drift from rate effect
  • pedestal variations and correction with temperature
  • light yeld correction with temperature
  • LAC thresholds measurement and update in the simulation
  • Cross-talks: FLE-FHE, inter-layer and effects on small-big diode intercalibration
TKR response
  • no effects seen for high rates
  • GTRC/FIFO registers settings
  • Optimised split readout


  • data-MC agreement matrix
  • projections of current discrepancies on background rejection

Tools and lessons learned (for internal collaboration use)

This should be a list of useful things we have developed which could help in minimizing the effort for a continuing analysis and a list of things to improve or avoid

  • BtSystemTest
  • use of pipeline II - how much effort?
  • bad documentation of merit and svac tuples
  • confusing naming for tkr hits variables (took a long time to realize that hits variables in merit are actually clusters variables and real hits in the svac)
  • No labels