Blog from August, 2006

CCB Update 20060817

BeamTest Pipeline Code

The BeamtestRelease version v4r0909p8 is installed on Prod Pipeline. It contains the right ancillary detectors reconstruction. Look also at the desciption provided by Michael here (F.Longo)

Code Versions

BeamtestRelease (sim/recon): v4r0909p8

System Tests for this version

System Tests results:

First version results.

Fred version:


Pipeline version:


Online/svac (task defs, scripts):

pipeline tasks:

online: v2r4p1

svac pipeline code and tasks:

code/tasks v1r030603p7:

pipelineDatasets v0r3

ISOC code and tasks:


Apps that run in pipeline:

beamtest06: v5r3p3
eLog: v2r3p1
ConfigTables: v3r2p1
TestReport: v3r6p12 (digi & recon reports):
BeamTestTuple: v1r2 (SVAC tuple)   Same as before

CCB Update 20060808

Code Versions

BeamtestRelease (sim/recon): v1r030603p5

System Tests for this version

System Tests results:

First version.

Fred version:


Pipeline version:


online/svac (task defs, scripts):

pipeline tasks:

online: v2r4p1

svac pipeline code and tasks:

code/tasks v1r030603p5:

pipelineDatasets v0r3

ISOC code and tasks:


Apps that run in pipeline:

eLog: v2r3p1
ConfigTables: v3r2p1

TestReport: v3r6p12 (digi & recon reports):
EngineeringModelRoot: v3r0 (SVAC tuple)   Same as before