Mechanical connections

=> for Spellman, Alic Shen to fill

Electrical Setup

Schematic for setup for triplets:


  • We have two PCs in the reception area, equipped with three SPECs in total (2+1), allowing them to read up to three modules simultaneously.
  • To test the SP chain functionality, we need to be able to configure all modules in the chain:
    • Due to the limited number of SPECs available, we connect one DP cable with CMD in to the SPEC for each module. For the module of interest, we connect all three CP cables to a single SPEC.
  • For L0 SP chain tests: 4 modules:
    • 4 adapter cards - in hand in 33
    • 6 DP cables are needed to be connected to SPECs – check with Dong Su 
      • Cable length 6 fb
    • From a setup perspective, to simplify operations, all DP cables should be connected to the adapter card ends. This way, the operator can change the test module from the YARR SPEC card ends according to the modules of interest.

DCS: Pi+Pi head

  • pi and pi head in b33

Voltage readout

From module adapter card we have pins can monitor the voltage reference of the Vout.

From Pi head side:

  • the maximum voltage can be measured is 5 V and we need resistor to regulate the Vout input
  • Each pi head has 8 input ports
  • We need pi heads for both voltage and NTC readings: 2 ports per module

The maximum voltage input is ~8 V in L0 SP chain

  • 2V (V for each module) * number of modules
  • Questions: Should we generalize the resistor specification to accommodate a maximum voltage of 20 V?
  • For convenience, we could place identical resistors on the breadboard

SP Chain Tests to Perform at SLAC

  • SP Chain Test with 2 or 3 Functional L0 Modules:

    • Perform SLDO qualification for each module in the SP chain
    • for each module,  we will scan current from 5.55 to 7.55 and for each current measure:
      - VDDA, VDDD, VinA, VinD, Vofs, Vref_pre
      - Iref, IinA, IinD, IshuntA, IshuntD
    • Those will be performed through module qc tool and measured with a digital voltmeter
  • SP Chain Test with 4 L0 Modules

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