- Originally from Peter Kim, now maintained by Andy Haas -

EXPERT only! ! ! Ask Andy Haas to install new releases for you!

0) HN/e-news announcement of new release pacman package

1) Before starting a new install, set up the environment variables:

RHEL5-32 bit:

export PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/etc:/usr/afsws/bin:/usr/afsws/etc:/usr/bin/X11:.
. /afs/slac/g/atlas/packages/pacman/3.29/setup.sh

2) Go to the target release partitions:

cd /afs/slac/g/atlas/c (or d)

     Makes sure there is enough space with " fs lq * ".
     If more space is needed, send a request to unix-admin@slac.stanford.edu

3) Installing base release: x.x.x
     Issue the pacman command found in the HN/e-news announcement:

pacman -allow any-platform trust-all-caches tar-overwrite -get http://atlas-computing.web.cern.ch/atlas-computing/links/kitsDirectory/projects/cache:AtlasProduction_16_6_6_i686_slc5_gcc43_opt

4) Installing AtlasProduction cache: x.x.x.x
     After steps 1-3, setup the release:

asetup 16.6.6

     Issue the pacman command found in the HN/e-news announcement, then setup the release for cmt:

pacman -get http://cern.ch/atlas-computing/links/kitsDirectory/Production/cache:AtlasProduction_16_6_6_2_i686_slc5_gcc43_opt

cd AtlasProduction/ ; cmt config ; cd -

5) Problems with release install
     Check the postings in https://groups.cern.ch/group/hn-atlas-releaseKitProblem/default.aspx
     as others might have similar problems.
     Ask Peter or Zach. If all fails, start a new thread in that forum.    

     pacman documentation : http://atlas.bu.edu/~youssef/pacman/

     If you ran out of disk space during an install, manually download the last missing tarball with a command like:

wget http://atlas-computing.web.cern.ch/atlas-computing/links/kitsDirectory/projects/kits/AtlasAnalysis_16_5_0_i686_slc5_gcc43_opt.tar.gz

6) When there is an announcement of new AtlasLogin or AtlasSettings
     Go to the install area (/c/ in this example) and execute:

pacman -update AtlasLogin
pacman -update AtlasSettings

     They are supposed to be backward compatible, unless stated otherwise.

7) Updating pacman:
    There are usually ATLAS announcements asking to install a new version.
    New version of pacman can be downloaded from BU:

wget http://physics.bu.edu/pacman/sample_cache/tarballs/pacman-latest.tar.gz
tar -xf pacman-latest.tar.gz

    Move the pacman package to /afs/slac/g/atlas/packages/pacman/, go into the new
    pacman directory and set up.

cd x.xx
source setup.sh

     (Please note that any installs in /c/ or /d/ must stay with the pacman version
     that was originally used. pacman does not get updated often, but when it does
     it might be a good time to build a new install with it switching between
     /c/ and /d/.)

8) Installing manually a DBrelease: check here for what's available

pacman -allow trust-all-caches -get http://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/GROUPS/DATABASE/pacman4/DBRelease:DBRelease-${DBRELEASE_VERSION

This page has more info

9) Removing a release: (NEVER just use "rm -rf ..." - you'll confuse pacman!)

pacman -remove AtlasProduction_16_0_2_3_i686_slc5_gcc43_opt
pacman -remove AtlasProduction_16_0_2_i686_slc5_gcc43_opt


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