Reasons for change

GRB group wants the GRB name appearing on the data processing page to revert back to GRBYYMMDDFFF, where FFF is the fraction of the day x 1000 when the burst occurred. They also want the script to add this name to the subject line of the redistributed notices. Data processing requested a check in GRB_blind_search for out-of-order events.

Test Procedure

Tested by running by hand on recent GBM GCN notices. out-of-order event code tested by running on data from recent GRB search proc failures.

Rollback Procedure

Revert to ASP v2r8 + ASP/drpMonitoring v1r4p1




  • ASP-31@JIRA Add code to GRB_blind_search to check for out-of-order events in FT1 files
  • ASP-32@JIRA Use GRB name format GRBYYMMDDFFF for data processing page and for appending to subject line of GCN Notices.