Reason for change

As more runs are processed we need to fine tune the settings (namely update the dataMonitoring/AlarmsCfg package) to prevent the alarms from firing due to non issues. The proposed package version is dataMonitoring/AlarmsCfg v2r3p4, as opposed to the v2r2p1 running originally in L1Proc 1.61.

The detailed description of the changes is in the last section.

Test Procedure

We have processed monitoring products from real on-orbit data (LPA) locally with this version of AlarmsCfg.

Rollback procedure

The package can be rolled back to the previous version by flipping a soft link. Also note that the package is completely independent from any other package running in the pipeline and will not cause a version change of L1Proc.

CCB Jira



FastMon end of run:

  • Limits on the number of triggers per tower (for all trigger primitives) made a bit wider as non-uniformities among centre vs. corner towers were causing warnings.
  • Limits on the average number of TkrHits per tower changed as the fluctuations among different orbits turned out to be bigger than anticipated, based on the very first runs. Alarm on the RMS of the same plot removed as the distribution has an exponential shape and it wasn't really adding any more information.
  • Exception added in order not to report the noisy strip in tower 3 as an issue.

Digi end of run:

  • Limits updated according to the changes in FastMon end of run (they all refer to quantities that are available both in FastMon and in Digi, so that they should have the same alarms with the same limits).

Digi trending:

  • Upper warning limit on the quantity OutF_Normalized_TkrHits_TowerPlane moved a bit as it was really too tight.

Recon end of run:

  • Got rid of the alarms on four vertex-related quantities as the corresponding distributions were too wide and dependent on the pointing vs. scanning mode to put sensible limits.
  • Minor adjustments of the limits on the following quantities: SuspCalHi_Highest0_EnergyDistribution_TH1 (leftmost_edge), ReconAcdPhaMips_PMTA_TH1_AcdTile (x_average and x_rms), ReconAcdGlobalPosNotMatchedTracks_RibbonYOriented_TH1_XYZ (gauss_rms)

Merit trending:

  • Changed the upper limits on the event rates for the three event classes. Those had been tuned before without taking into account the values when the earth limb is in the field of view, so they're considerably larger, now.