Reason for change

C&A has requested that L1Proc upgrades to Science Tools v9r6p2 because of desired changes to makeFt1: "Modify makeFT1 so that it incorporates full source class information in CTBCLASSLEVEL column".

Hiro has requested that a new version of CalibTkrUtil is put into the L1 pipeline as soon as possible (improved MIP-selection, produce hot strip xml file when necessary).

We have also added a JO that makes digitization crash if it detects a mismatch between the LatC key in the data and the LatC key expected from the Moot key. This will make it easier to catch the case where the Mission Planning is not in synch with the real acqusitions. This will avoid that we resonstruct a run using the wrong configuration (affects FSW prescales and Gleam filters).

Because of the nature of the changes we do not expect any merging issues in PROD between L1Proc versions for partially processed runs.

Test Procedure

We have processed real on-orbit data (LPA and LCI) on the DEV server with this version of L1Proc. Jim Chiang has signed off the new FT1 file.

Rollback procedure

L1Proc can be rolled back to the previous version.

CCB Jira



L1Pipeline v1r61
- Fix bug that prevented registration of LCI data. LONE-90@JIRA
- Use MootSvc.ExitOnFatal="true"; when digitizing real data.
- Use makeFT1_kluge and Pass6_kluge_Classifier. LONE-91@JIRA

Science Tools v9r6p2:
- Modify makeFT1 so that it incorporates full source class information in CTBCLASSLEVEL column:  JIRA LONE-91.
- L1Proc should use Pass6_kluge_Classifier and makeFT1_kluge

CalibTkrUtil v2r4p1:
- Greatly improves MIP selection to make efficiency monitoring independent of LAT configuration. This version also incorporates new monitoring code that produces a hot strip xml files when necessary. 

calibGenTKR v4r5:
- Needed for CalibTkrUtil v2r4.

Job Options update for digitization:
- This will get into the standard Gleam job options in the next GR. For the time being we write it directly in the pipeline script.
- MootSvc.ExitOnFatal = true;

dataMonitoring/AlarmsCfg: v2r2p1
- Got rid of the alarm on the rms of TkrHits_TH1_Tower (FastMon)
- Updated tkr monitoring alarms as per Hiro's e-mail.
- Alarm limits on trackermon_trend quantities changed from percentages to fractions, following Hiro's convention.

Complete set of tags for L1Proc 1.61

Code Versions

GlastRelease (sim/recon) v15r24

ScienceTools (Level 2) : v9r6p2*

Science Ops (task defs, scripts):

Level 1 pipeline code and applications running in L1:

svac/L1Pipeline: v1r61*

calibTkrUtil v2r4p1*
calibGenTKR v4r5*

dataMonitoring/AlarmsCfg: v2r2p1*
dataMonitoring/FastMonCfg: v1r3p1

dataMonitoring/DigiReconCalMeritCfg: v1r2p3

dataMonitoring/Common: v3r4p1
dataMonitoring/FastMon: v3r4p2
datMonitoring/IGRF: v1r0p1

svac/Monitor: v1r2p11
svac/EngineeringModelRoot: v4r1p6
svac/TestReport: v6r15

users/richard/pipelineDatasets: v0r4

ft2Util: v1r2p23

evtClassDefs v0r6

GPLtools: v1r10