Known Issues
- Implement a Klystron check (see p. 3 of EVG upgrade requirements.pdf)
- PABIG Interface
- [EVG Upgrade Requirements | ^EVG upgrade requirements.pdf
- UI Mockup
- Effectively, you can only develop MPSGui inside Eclipse on lcls-builder.
- Check out the CVS module physics/mps/mpsgui into your workspace
- From now on, the root of project is referred to as $MPSGUI_ROOT
For library paths, see the scripts $MPSGUI_ROOT/mpsgui or $MPSGUI_ROOT/mpscud
- ezJCA (version R0-0-10)
- javainterfaces (current version)
- MPS Config (current version)
- Oracle JDBC driver
- Sqlite JDBC driver
- SwingUtil (current version)
- jgoodies.jar can be added at runtime for the Matlab look & feel
- xal4lcls
- ext.jar (current version)
- xal.jar (current version)
Test inside Eclipse
- Select $MPSGUI_ROOT/src/edu.stanford.slac.mpsgui/MpsGuiLauncher
- Right-click => select Run As... => Java Application
- If you run the app for the first time, it should fail
- Go to Run in the Window menu
- Select "Open Run Dialog..."
- Select "MpsGuiLauncher" in the window on the left
- Select the "Arguments" tab
- Enter the following arguments:
in the "Program arguments" area.
jdbc:sqlite:/usr/local/lcls/epics/iocTop/MachineProtection/mpsConfiguration/database/ jdbc:sqlite:/usr/local/lcls/epics/iocTop/MachineProtection/mpsConfiguration/algorithm/ jdbc:oracle:thin:MPS_HISTORY/*current_password*
- Replace current_password with the current password (can be found in the $MPSGUI_ROOT/mpsgui script)
- Press "Run"
Major Recurring Tasks
- Change the Oracle MPS History DB password in $MPSGUI_ROOT/mpsgui and $MPSGUI_ROOT/mpscud
- Check the live history in the MPS GUI HistoryViewer (if empty, restart the MPS History Server)
- Find the Java field that contains the UI component that prompted your development (change the back-/foreground color, if not sure); then use Eclipse References (right-click menu) to find where the field is being used
Launch Scripts
- Located under $MPSGUI_ROOT, must be executable (chmod +x)
- Sets up the CLASSPATH and the log file
- Launches MPSGui using Plastic3DLookAndFeel from jgoodies
- byenti is a legacy system property that tells MPSGui to interpret bypass end times as absolute (or, if false, relative) times
- Located under $MPSGUI_ROOT, must be executable (chmod +x)
- Sets up the CLASSPATH and the log file
- Launches MPSGui in CUD mode using Plastic3DLookAndFeel from jgoodies
- Operators and Mike Z know details about the CUD mode
- byenti is a legacy system property that tells MPSGui to interpret bypass end times as absolute (or, if false, relative) times
Classes and Functions
User Interface
- The main user interface consists of 5 tabs: Summary, Faults, Logic, Ignore Logic, and History
- Each tab has a corresponding package under edu.stanford.slac.mpsgui.ui
- Classes in those packages are complex Swing components (mostly, JPanels and JTables)
- Each XYZPanel class under edu.stanford.slac.mpsgui.ui is a subclass of edu.stanford.slac.mpsgui.ui.AbstractPanel
- (Almost) every widget of the panel is stored in a field in the corresponding XYZPanel class, where XYZ is a descriptive string that explains what the panel shows
- The fields are public to allow registration of the listeners (however, it doesn't make sense to set them)
- The root of all MpsGui XYZPanel classes
- Defines how widgets are created/added to its subclass
- Shows the details of a Macro
- Part of IngoreLogicPanel and LogicPanel
- The main panel that is added to the JFrame
- Contain a JTabbedPane as the immediate child
- The root of all MpsGui XYZTable classes
- Features a TableSorter (see SwingUtil) and alternating background colors for rows
- Allows user to select a cached state
- Not used anymore
- The root of all XYZFaultPanel classes
- Shows detailed information common to all types of faults
- Not used anymore
- Shows information specific to each fault type
- Features a tree-like browser for faults and a placeholder for the detailed information
- Contains the text area for HTML that represents the MacroStates (obtainable via MPS Config)
- Not used any more
- Not used any more
- Controller for the "Faults" tab
- A tree-like browser for faults hierarchies
- Shows the current information about a selected fault
- Controller for the "History" tab
- Shows live MPS history
- Default is the last 8 hours (see edu.stanford.slac.mpsgui.MpsGuiProperties)
- Periodically checks for new MPS History messages
- If the live history panel is empty, please trouble-shoot the MPS History Server
- Features a panel for an interactive search of the MPS history
- Filter applies to fault names only
- Launches new search on "key typed", tries to cancel the previous search (may break in the future)
- Controller for the "Ignore Logic" tab
- Monitors the state of ignoring macros (using MPS Config)
- Caches previous states
- Shows detailed information about ignoring and ignored macros
- To test, ignore/unignore macros by writing 0 or 1 to YAGS:IN20:211:IN_LMTSW_BYPV
caput YAGS:IN20:211:IN_LMTSW_BYPV 1 to ignore caput YAGS:IN20:211:IN_LMTSW_BYPV 0 to unignore
- Monitors states of all macros
- Caches previous states
- Shows detailed information about a selected macro
- Allows user to bypass a selected macro to a state
- Controller for the "Summary" tab
- Initializes the logic "viewer" for the integrated logic panel
- If applicable, styles the summary UI as a CUD (larger font etc.)
- Monitors beam rate PVs (both MPS and actual)
- Monitors bypassed faults and end times; warns (using proper colors) when bypasses are about to expire
- Allows user to re-bypass to a bypassed macro state
- Creates the summary UI, tries to setup as a CUD
- Initializes the summary "viewer" (controller)
- Creates the full UI
- If successful, initializes "viewers" (controllers) for each tab
- The main class expects the following arguments (in the order):
- Config DB URL prefix
- Logic DB URL prefix
- History JDBC URL (including username and password)
- See $MPSGUI_ROOT/mpsgui for an example
- Loads Config and Logic DB via MPS Config
- Depending on the system property slac.launchAsCud, initializes either MpsCudController or MpsGuiController
- Contains constants/properties used by MPSGui, such as:
- Application name, version number, NULL string, date formats, background color for alternate table rows, etc.
- Client for the MPS History data (currently in Oracle, used to be in sqlite)
- SQL queries are located in the file in the package edu.stanford.slac.mpsgui.jdbc.hist
- Has an auxilliary API to insert/delete test messages
Release with Eclipse
- Update the application version in $MPSGUI_ROOT/src/edu.stanford.slac.mpsgui.MpsGuiProperties
- Increment the tag version accordingly
- Commit to CVS
- Tag with mpsgui-R###
- Check out the tagged version into production
cd $PHYSICS_TOP/release cvs co -r mpsgui-R#-#-# -d mpsgui-R#-#-# physics/mps/mpsgui
- Select File => New Java project => Create project from existing source
- Select $PHYSICS_TOP/release/mpsgui-R###
- Name the project mpsgui-R###
- Press "Finish"
- Right-click on the new project mpsgui-R### => Export...
- Select Java => JAR file
- Check mpsgui-R### in "Resources to export"
- Check "Export generated class files and resources"
- As the export destination, type (and/or select)
- Press "Finish"
- Move the symbolic link
cd $PHYSICS_TOP/ rm -rf mpsgui; ln -s release/mpsgui-R#-#-# mpsgui
- Launch from lclshome
- MPS Global => MPS GUI...
- MPS Global => MPS CUD...