Space Index
Total number of pages: 7
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CCCB Action 20060712Code Versions Engineering Model (sim/recon): v6r070329p21 It only contains changes to the calibGenXXX packages. In addition, it now
CCB Actions
CCB request 20051129 CCB Request for EngineeringModel v5r0703p3 AcdRecon v1r12p6 Heather Kelly and Eric Charles Add Corner DOCA Add AcdTkrIntersectTool Patch AcdTkrIntersectTool to protect from negative arclengths. CalXtalResponse v0r7p6 Zach Fewtrell Fixed bug reported by ph
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HHomeIntroduction The software comprising the pipeline and what it runs is under configuration control for the remainder of the GLAST Flight Integration period. After baselining the code, all modifications to the running code will need to be approved by the Ch
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SSVAC Tagging StrategyI'm currently maintaing code tags and task versions as a single entity. The downside to having the same version on all tasks is having a bunch of tasks that differ only in their name. The upside is that I don't have to keep track of which tasks have actua
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