"The Second Fermi Large Area Telescope Catalog of Gamma-ray Pulsars" was submitted to the Astrophysical Journal Supplement on 7 May 2013.
Here is the "tarball" of spectral and pulse profile results and ancillary data (14.5 Mb) described in detail in the paper (Appendix B), for the journal referees.
We have posted the catalog at http://arxiv.org/abs/1305.4385 and will update it with the journal referees' comments.
This 'confluence' page (internal wiki for the LAT team) will be superseded by
hosted by the Fermi Science Support Center at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, to assure the long-term maintenance of the electronic archive. A copy of the tarball will also be available from the ApJ servers.
Archive contents
The pulsar catalog consists of a primary FITS file containing information about all 117 pulsars. In addition, ancillary FITS files, one per pulsar, contain the lightcurve, spectrum, and timing information.The tarball of files containing the pulsar catalog results and associated files released with the paper includes:
- Pulsar Catalog FITS file
- Directory containing PDF spectral plots
- Directory containing 117 PDF lightcurve plots
- Directory containing timing par files
- Directory containing individual pulsar FITS file
The 2PC file archive has a full directory structure once untarred and ungzipped.
The archive contains the following directories and contents:
2PC_archive directory: 2PC_catalog_v##.fits 2PC_catalog_v##.asc images directory: 2PC_LC_all.pdf 2PC_SED_all.pdf lightcurves directory: PSRJxxxx+/-yyyy_2PC_LC.pdf for all pulsars PSRJxxxx+/-yyyy_2PC_LC.png for all pulsars SEDs directory: PSRJxxxx+/-yyyy_2PC_SED.pdf for all pulsars with fitstat=Y PSRJxxxx+/-yyyy_2PC_SED.png for all pulsars with fitstat=Y par_files directory: PSRJxxxx+/-yyyy_2PC(_#).par for all pulsars PSR_data directory: FITS: PSRJxxxx+/-yyyy_2PC_data.fits for each pulsar ascii: PSRJxxxx+/-yyyy_2PC_data.asc for each pulsar
A user can untar the archive, find the images directory, and flip through the individual image files contained there.