Agenda and reports from the BT team for the GLAST Collaboration Meeting, GSFC 26-30 march 2007
This page is for developing an agenda for the Beam Test reports at the collaboration Meeting.
Use this space to comment on the agenda and attach draft contributions for discussions.
Current draft list of desired contributions:
- Introduction (10') - Luca/Philippe
- beam test goals recap
- short recap of tests we did
- aknowledge service work from team
- Tracker (15) - Nicola
- efficiency
- hit excess
- PSF analysis
- TKR simulation (15) - Leon
- threshold effects
- xtalk effects
- implementation in the digi algorithm and extension to heavy ion digi
- effect on PSF and energy correction from the TKR
- Lessons learned for CAL calibration (15) - Sasha?
- include prospects for calibration with heavy ions?
- Geant4 physics update (15) - Francesco
- Energy reconstruction (15)
- ACD results (15) - Luis
- Background analysis (15)
- includes hadronic physics validation
- Prospects (10)
- what and how should go into the LAT simulation