
The beamtime aims to perform timing scans for the 2M.0 detector. Scans will be taken in FL, FM, and AML; two fluxes in each gain mode, and likely an intensity scan at a couple of timings once we have checked the results of the timing scans. The experiment the data will land in is xcsc00121. 

Experimental setup:

Fig 1. Experimental setup for the XCS beamtime aimed at evaluating the timing of the ePix10k2M.0.

Measurement log:

location: /sdf/home/c/conny-h/logbooks

Notes and observations from the beamtime and subsequent data analysis:

Timing scans:

Daq script

Timing scans for the 2M are performed from Philips setup:

~philiph/psana/Workarea/daq/daq-dev/tools/scanning/epix10ka2M_scan_exponential -L yes -e 100 --start 50000 -f 80000 -n 26 -P AcqToAsicR0Delay -p 0 -D XcsEndstation -t 2 -i 0

Analysis scripts:

You can find it here: /sdf/data/lcls/ds/mfx/mfxx1005021/results/scripts

You can call it with: >python -i TimeScan.py -d Epix10ka -r 472


Timing scan at different fluxes AML:

Fig 2. AML, rough scan, 80% beam.

Fig 3. Fine scans at rising edge, aML 80% beam. The time delay between quads is apparent.

Timing scans FM high and low flux:

Fig 4. FM crude scan, 35% beam.

Fig 5. FM fine scan across the edge, 35% beam.

Timing scans FM high and low flux:

Fig 6. FL crude scan, 100% beam

Fig 7. FL fine scan across the edge, 100% beam.

Follow up measurements when we were changing the fibers around

The following measurements where performed:

Standard fiber setting(xcsc00121) :

run 506

Changing the fiber pair after the breakout:

run 507

Swaping the timing fibers after restoring th fiber pair after breakout:

run 508

The results where analysed by Philip and can be seen in the presebtation below.

XCSTwoQuadIssue (Philip)

The main take away, the timing issue follows the quad and appears to be a camera problem (note to self: view the image on the screen as what a fiber sees, not as a quad, which makes it easier to mentally follow if it is quad or fiber problem).

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