This is a description of the initial ntuple Benoit defined from the beamline simulation step. Until this is absorbed into a beamtest tuple, SLAC farm-generated have the beam tuple merged with merit.
Quantity |
Description |
e_silicon[4]: |
energy deposited in the silicon strip detectors in MeV. |
positionx[4]: |
positions along the beam axis of the 4 silicon detectors in mm. |
positiony[4],positionz[4] |
transverse positions measured by the silicon detectors in mm. y is horizontal, z is vertical |
eg_tot |
sum energy of gamma-rays in MeV |
ee_tot |
sum energy of electrons in MeV |
eg_1 |
energy of highest-energy gamma-ray in MeV |
eg_2 |
energy of second highest-energy gamma-ray in MeV |
ee_1 |
energy of highest-energy electron in MeV |
ee_2 |
energy of second highest electron in MeV |
M_gam |
number of gamma-rays with E > 20 keV |
M_e |
number of electrons with E > 20 keV |
E_rec |
reconstructed energy of the electron in MeV using the initial/final angles of the trajectory with respect to the beam axis |
dir_rec_x,y,z |
projections of gamma-ray "reconstructed" direction, |
E_annihilator |
Energy deposited in the Annihilator (if no annihilator in the run, set to 0) |
E_dump |
Energy deposited in the Dump (if no dump in the run, set to 0) |
E_plastic0 |
Energy deposited in the First Plastic Detector in the beam (useful to require an Energy deposit which corresponds to triggering plastic0) |
E_plastic1 |
Energy deposited in the Second Plastic Detector in the beam 2 cm away from the first (useful to require an Energy deposit which corresponds to triggering plastic1) |
E_plastic2 |
Energy deposited in the Veto Plastic Detector in the beam |
E_posx, E_posy, E_posz |
Position of the highest and second highest electron arriving at the reporting plane (array of 2 doubles) |
E_px, E_py, E_pz |
Momentum of the highest and second highest electron arriving at the reporting plane (array of 2 doubles) |
Gam_posx, Gam_posy, Gam_posz |
Position of the highest and second highest gamma arriving at the reporting plane (array of 2 doubles) |
Gam_px, Gam_py, Gam_pz |
Momentum of the highest and second highest gamma arriving at the reporting plane (array of 2 doubles) |
E_si0, E_si1, E_si2, E_si3 |
Energy deposited in the first (si0), second (si1), third (si2), fourth (si3) silicon detector |
E_vol0 |
Energy deposited in the first volume (i.e. the Cherenkov volume in the case of PS and SPS runs) |
E_vol1 |
Energy deposited in the second volume (i.e. the second Cherenkov volume in the case of PS and the vacuum volume in the case of SPS runs) |
E_win0, E_win1, E_win2, E_win3 |
Energy deposited in the mylar windows around the first volume (E_win0 and E_win1) and the second volume (E_win2 and E_win3) |
nPositrons |
Number of positrons arriving at the reporting plane (for the positron runs) |