Reason for change
The new version (AlarmsCfg-05-26-02, as opposed to AlarmsCfg-05-26-01) features a new limit for the quantities CalXAdcPedRMS_LEX8 and CalXAdcPedRMS_LEX1 for cal channel 824, masked plane 32 of tower 15 for the quantity OutF_Normalized_ToT_250_TowerPlane and masked the cal log in tower 4, layer 2, column4 for the quantities RPp_Mean_TH1 and RPp_RMS_TH1 due to the blow out of the HE diode.
Test Procedure
We have processed monitoring products from real on-orbit data (LPA) locally with this version of AlarmsCfg.
Rollback procedure
The package can be rolled back to the previous version by flipping a soft link. Also note that the package is completely independent from any other package running in the pipeline and will not cause a version change of L1Proc.
CCB Jira
Details (release notes for dataMonitoring/AlarmCfg for AlarmsCfg-05-26-02)
- AlarmsCfg-05-26-02 31-Jul-2010 pesce Several changes due to dead HE diode in tower 4, layer 2, column 4 as well as maked strip in tower 15 plane 32.
- New limit for the quantities CalXAdcPedRMS_LEX8 and CalXAdcPedRMS_LEX1 for cal channel 824, masked plane 32 of tower 15 for the quantity OutF_Normalized_ToT_250_TowerPlane and masked channel 412 for cal log in tower 4, layer 2, column4 for the quantities RPp_Mean_TH1 and RPp_RMS_TH1 due to the blow out of the HE diode.