Blog from July, 2010

Reason for change

The new version (AlarmsCfg-05-26-02, as opposed to AlarmsCfg-05-26-01) features a new limit for the quantities CalXAdcPedRMS_LEX8 and CalXAdcPedRMS_LEX1 for cal channel 824, masked plane 32 of tower 15 for the quantity OutF_Normalized_ToT_250_TowerPlane and masked the cal log in tower 4, layer 2, column4  for the quantities RPp_Mean_TH1 and RPp_RMS_TH1 due to the blow out of the HE diode.

Test Procedure

We have processed monitoring products from real on-orbit data (LPA) locally with this version of AlarmsCfg.

Rollback procedure

The package can be rolled back to the previous version by flipping a soft link. Also note that the package is completely independent from any other package running in the pipeline and will not cause a version change of L1Proc.

CCB Jira


Details (release notes for dataMonitoring/AlarmCfg for AlarmsCfg-05-26-02)

  • AlarmsCfg-05-26-02 31-Jul-2010  pesce Several changes due to dead HE diode in tower 4, layer 2, column 4 as well as maked strip in tower 15 plane 32.
    • New limit for the quantities CalXAdcPedRMS_LEX8 and CalXAdcPedRMS_LEX1 for cal channel 824, masked plane 32 of tower 15 for the quantity OutF_Normalized_ToT_250_TowerPlane and masked channel 412 for cal log in tower 4, layer 2, column4  for the quantities RPp_Mean_TH1 and RPp_RMS_TH1 due to the blow out of the HE diode.

Unedited notes taken during the meeting

Tracy: several improvements in infrastructure
EvtDisplay: able to run wired on linux and windows and watch evts go by
SCons Leon
G4: Johann able to make a Linux build yesterday; there is a glitch from a mix scons and cmt, work in progress
Gaudi/Scons: Joanne bulding test programs on linux; issues with windows, now joanne went on vacation, confident issues will be solved then she is back
Two projects that we discussed and are kind of orphan:
Merit cleanup/rework: we had plans for a group, it needs to be addressed
Bring BTRelease up to speed: not sure what is the status there
core week coming along in some time, good chance to have everybody close here and fix infrastructure issues

Leon on Merit into Wired
started from std distribution with the idea to make wired a development tool
slide 3 is from Vanilla calibs pencil muon evts; wired needs something to click on to access qanititesl so I added the red boxes on top of the ED (slide 4), and it works (slide 5/6)

BA: to what extent is Tony J involved, as the father of WIRED?
LSR: some interface issues might fall into Gleam, e.g. typing an evt number and go to it - at the moment WIRED is not setup to do this on the server side
BA: thanks for taking this on

Luca on clustering

BA: comparing the gamma cluster between slides 15 and 16 I see different clusters in shape and energy, what is going on?
LB: there are marginal differences between the black cluster in 15 and the blue in 16, these differences normally happen
Carmelo Sgro' notice that in slide 16 the good cluster is the secon one
Tracy: yes, this normally happens some xtal get energy from the overlaid event and the resulting energy differ a bit
LB: notice slide 25-26 when the overlay adds a similar garbage cluster to the good one, maybe the moment analysis will help us identifying the good one
29-30: all these are random screenshots, and these two are the single evt I found where the alg fails miserably, most likely for a threshold effect
Slides > 32 are events below the line at 1 from the top-right plot in 32; also moment analysis is plugged in for evts shown after slide 33, so e.g. in 33 you see that the good event is the blue one, even if the highest energy is in the bad cluster
35-36: interesting to see how a single MIP screw up recon, but is is actually easy to guess that the good one is the second one (blue)

BA: we will need to decide how to proceed with multiple clusterings, might supply more than one to recon. It would be interesting to put together topological vars from your MST plus those from the moment analysis and build a CT out of those