here are some detailed instructions for Linux (tested on SL5 and OpenSuse). The required svn client should be available on any standard Linux installation.
svn list svn+ssh://
should say
Chapter_Benchmarking/ Chapter_Calorimetry/ Chapter_ConceptOverview/ Chapter_Costs/ Chapter_ElectronicsDAQ/ Chapter_ForwardSystems/ Chapter_Introduction/ Chapter_MDI/ Chapter_Magnet/ Chapter_MuonSystem/ Chapter_SimReco/ Chapter_Summary/ Chapter_Tracker/ Chapter_Vertex/ DBDMain/
then just do
svn co svn+ssh:// <Your chosen Directory Name>
then cd into this directory
cd <Your chosen Directory Name>
and do an ls, you should see
Chapter_Benchmarking Chapter_ElectronicsDAQ Chapter_MDI Chapter_Tracker Chapter_Calorimetry Chapter_ForwardSystems Chapter_MuonSystem Chapter_Vertex Chapter_ConceptOverview Chapter_Introduction Chapter_SimReco DBDMain Chapter_Costs Chapter_Magnet Chapter_Summary
now to compile the DBD, you 'll need a Latex installation and Python, the corresponding versions on SL5 are
- tetex-3.0-33.8.el5_5.5
- Python 2.4.3
on more recent Linux distributions, you'll find texlive instead of tetex, as tetex has been discontinued ...
cd DBDMain python acroread DBD.pdf &
and that is all.