Run 236238664 LAC_MidPos Temperature 11-15 C
A previous analyze of a lacCalib_MidPos run is here
LAC POS thresholds
The mean value is peaked at 4 MeV. The temperatures appear not to be uniform across the CALs.
LAC distribution per CDE
There are a few outliers in the distribution. The four extreme ones are:
;twr lyr col face lac errlac pedDrift lacMeV fitstat chi2 mev_slope mev_offset 0 0 9 0 90.582 0.682621 -8.28012 3.04762 0 72.5219 0.030827 0 2 5 2 0 93.9038 0.468104 -8.84964 3.17313 0 69.2131 0.030881 0 5 3 9 0 100.84 0.560487 -4.02294 3.20524 0 119.57 0.030566 0 15 2 6 0 148.745 0.729261 -4.04117 4.8745 0 31.348 0.031904 0
The LAC is well-defined, with sufficient statistics, so the threshold is real and might need to be corrected.
Pedestal drifts