Confluence and Jira now require federated login. Read more.
- GDCB-31 - Fix constraints on DataCatalog Dataset locations
- GDCB-33 - Dataset Attribute records should be deleted with their corresponding dataset record
- GDCB-9 - Make dataset (name) an option in registerDataset command
- GDCB-10 - Allow users to register datasets without absolute paths
- GDCB-11 - Add md (make dir) function to data catalog & linemode client
- GDCB-15 - Allow multiple datasets to be registered in one go
New Feature
- GDCB-20 - Add a help option that lists the possible DataType and FileFormat values
- GDCB-22 - Check if Dataset registration from Linemode Client is happening from a pipeline batch process and link it
- GDCB-24 - remove 'datacat' linemode client directory from unix
- GDCB-26 - Make 1.0 release
- GDCB-30 - Add "CrawlerPriority" and "Description" fields to DatasetDataType table
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