A 0th level LICOS release is under ~panetta/Online on lat-hobbit 4 (05/09/29)
- setup for other users (to be turned into spec files):
- Create a directory for ONLINE_ROOT (ex: ~panetta/Online)
- add ONLINE_ROOT to your .cshrc
- set your CVSROOT to :ext:user@libra3.slac.stanford.edu:/nfs/slac/g/glast/online/cvsroot
- set CVS_RSH to ssh
- export your identity.pub or id_rsa.pub to SLAC Unix
- cvs co LICOS;cvs co LICOS_ETC;cvs co ISOC
- Compile ISOC's RawArchiver with python setup.py build
- Create a soft link in ONLINE_ROOT (or copy) to ~panetta/Online/FSW
- In FSW/lib are a copy of the B0-5-0 FSW libraries
- In FSW/python are a copy of the LCAT python modules
Scripts for running are in LICOS_ETC.
- configuration is in vsc.cfg. This sets up the inter process plumbing and db access.
- Normal options are <vscHost> <vsc.cfg> Usage strings need to be added to most scripts(05/09/29)
- Scripts:
- runProxies.csh – Runs Diag/Sci/Telem proxies (runProxies.csh <vscHost> <vsc.cfg>)
- cvt.csh – runs the CVT and the database populator for the CVT. (Puts stuff in Jim's db by default)
- packetDisplayer.csh – Runs a simple packet display tool.
- stripChart.csh – Runs a basic stripChart with a standard cfg file.
- Some script outputs are logged right now into LICOS_EXT/proxy_logs