Time & date 

This meeting:  week of  March 11th - 14th,  10 pm Pacific time (Nb now on winter time); a day later 11:00 am Pakistan time; 11:30 am India time; 2:00 pm Malaysian & Guangzhou time;  1:00 pm Thailand time; 8:00 am Jordan time.  We moved the time forward by 2 hours to accommodate the time in Jordan.

Doodle poll invites sent 1/26/2019.


New items and updates are in boldface.

Coordinates of team members:

Mailing list: pinger-my@googlegroups.com for membership see  https://groups.google.com.



Wajahat Hussain+ (SEECS), Saqib (GZHU); Johari (UNIMAS);  Adib (Turkey); Dr. Charnsak Srisawatsakul (Ubru), Eyad Ayoubi (Jordan), Baraa Muslmani ( Jordan), Dr. Shadi Jawarneh (Jordan), Bebo White+, Umar Kalim, Les Cottrell+

Actual Attendees




Use of Zoom

IMPORTANT NOTE: The meeting is setup to record automatically. By joining the meeting you are agreeing to being recorded. (see details.)
What: PingER Standing Meeting
When: Feb 12, 2019 10:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Where: Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:https://stanford.zoom.us/j/811437823
Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +18333021536,,811437823# or +16507249799,,811437823#
Or Telephone:
    Dial: +1 650 724 9799 (US, Canada, Caribbean Toll) or +1 833 302 1536 (US, Canada, Caribbean Toll Free)
    Meeting ID: 811 437 823
    International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/acKQGp4oHV
    Meeting ID: 811 437 823
    SIP: 811437823@zoomcrc.com
How to setup and use Zoom:

Jordan  (Updated 3/3/2019)

We had a Zoom meeting with Eyad and Baraa of the Jordan team.

Amity (Updated 3/3/2019).

Amity team photo:

Email list (pinger-am in https://groups.google.com) set up for the Amity PingER team including Aayush Jain, James David, Naman Madan, Dr Sai Sabitha. Invites sent 1/26/2019, only Naman accepted.

Dr. Sai Sabitha Topher sent the final copy of paper Id 255: "Network Performance of PingER data with respect to growth of the Telecom Industry in India" that was presented at Amity Confluence conference 1/10/2019.

Requested final copy of the paper ID 256: "Extension of the PingER project onto Mobile Devices using Android Applications" for the SLAC archives, by email 1/26/2019.

From the meeting with Amity last month:

We (Topher and the PingER team) agreed to request Amity to share the App and instructions with us; we will look at installing on a jailbroken Android phone at the San Francisco end and try it out.

Email sent to Amity 1/26/2019 and again 3/3/2019: "We also need to finish up the proxy acquisition of data from the Android MAs. According to the notes from the recent meeting

Bebo will contact Topher, and look at installing on a spare Android at Bebo's home in San Francisco.  We could also do that at SLAC. Topher will get us some Android phones when he gets back in early March.

Adib (Updated 3/3/2019)

Bebo reviewed and responded to Adib suggesting the second one is a better choice.


NUST: (Updated 3/3/2019)

Unable to gather data from maggie1.seecs.edu.pk and monitor.seecs.edu.pk. Email sent 1/26/2019

Wajahat provided the following update 12/8/2018

Saqib sent email to Wajahat:

UAF/GHZU (Updated 3/3/2019)

Thailand (No update 8/9/2018, No update 9/6/2018, No update 11/19/2018, 1/15/2019, 2/12/2019)

Charnsak is looking at a host in Champasak University, Chan Parsa province in Laos as a potential site for a PingER MA. Charnsak just got approved to make contact with the Champasak University. He expects to set up the MA in the next 4-5 months (say towards end 2018). It also depends on the partner university, and there may be a lot of paperwork.

Email requesting update sent 12/6/2018.

UNIMAS (No update 8/9/2018, no update 9/6/2018, no update 10/7/2018, no update 11/19/2018, 12/11/2018, 1/15/2019, 2/12/2019)

Need to add Umar Kalim to http://pinger.unimas.my/pinger/contact.php. From the 7/5/2018 meeting: Johari can't ssh into the server so he will go to it on Monday.  He will also upload the new UNIMAS PingER website next week.

Sent reminder emails 8/6/2018. 9/3/2018.


PingER at SLAC  

At Bebo's suggestion, Les put together on the Impact of last years hurricanes Irma and Maria on the Carribean Internet connectivity, see Hurricanes Irma and Maria 2017


HostStatelast seenStatus
pinger.cs.ubru.ac.thStopped being pingable 2/25/2019. Thus by default the gathering failed. However, by ignoring the ping result gathering works to http://pinger.cs.ubru.ac.th/cgi-bin/ping_data.pl. Fixed gatherer script and gathered missing data. 3/2/2019 sent email to Charnsak asking if the pinging can be fixed. It appears to be fixed 4/3/2019. Ping fails but gathering works.
pinger6.cs.ubru.ac.thStopped being pingable 2/25/2019. Thus by default the gathering failed. Gathering also fails to . Emailed Charnsak 3/4/2019.2/25/2019 

Down, it came up Sep 2-4, 2018. It is pinging, however, all the targets are not responding after 31 tries, email sent to Wajahat 9/18/2018. As of 10/14/2018 it is not pingable. Working again as of 1/5/2019.

It started again1/26/2019. It does not respond to pings from SLAC but does respond to http://pinger.isra.edu.pk/cgi-bin/ping_data.pl? which is used to get the data.  However, the data indicate that none of the pings respond, e.g.

pinger.isra.edu.pk pinger.fsktm.um.edu.my 100 1548633600 31 0

i.e. all 31 pings fail and  0 give any response.

When one tries to ping from pinger.isra.edu.pk using http://pinger.isra.edu.pk/cgi-bin/traceroute.pl?function=ping&target=www-wanmon.slac.stanford.edu&options=-i%200.2 the web page responds but all pings from isra fail. Email sent to Wajahat 1/28/2019. Started working again 1/30/2019. Stopped being pingable and unable to gather data 2/11/2019. 3/2/2019 can gather data but all the pings are failing. Emailed Wajahat 3/3/2019.

March 6, 2018

Fixed 1/5/2019

Failed again starting 1/26/2019.

Working again 1/30/2019


results{monitor.seecs.edu.pk}[0] not defined, unable to gather data for 11 consecutive days this month

Skipping monitor.seecs.edu.pk(5) does not ping by name or address, email sent to Wajahat 1/26/2019, 2/3/2019, 3/3/2019.




Next Meeting

Next meeting:  There will be a Doodle poll, March week 11-14th 10 pm Pacific time ; a day later 11:00 am Pakistan time; 11:30 am India time; 2:00 pm Malaysian & Guangzhou time;  1:00 pm Thailand time; 8:00 am Jordan time.  We moved the time forward by 2 hours to accommodate the time in Jordan.

Old information