Year 2018

Publications and White papers (most recent first)

Year 2017

Publications and White papers (most recent first)

Talks (most recent first)

  • Implementation of PingER on Android, R Sampson, S Rajappa, A Sabitha, A Bansal, B White, R Cottrell, 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science and Engineering, 12th - 13th Jan 2017, Amity University, Sector - 125 Campus, Noida, Uttar Pradish, India

Year 2016

Publications and White papers (most recent first)

Talks (most recent first)

Year 2015

Publications and White papers (most recent first)

Talks (most recent first)

Year 2014

Publications and White Papers (most recent first)

Talks (most recent first)

Year 2013

Publications and White Papers (most recent first)

Talks (most recent first)

Year 2012

Publications and White Papers (most recent first)

Talks (most recent first)

Year 2011

Publications and White Papers (most recent first)

International Committee for Future Accelerators - Standing Committee on Inter-Regional Connectivity (ICFA-SCIC) 2011 Report on Networking, compiled by Les Cottrell, Shawn McKee and Zafar Gilani on behalf of the working group, January 2011.

Talks (most recent first)

Year 2010

Publications and White Papers (Most recent first)

Talks (Most recent first)

Year 2009

Publications and White Papers (Most recent first)

  • eGy-Africa: Addressing the digital divide for science in Africa, C. E. Barton, C. Amory-Mazaudier, B. Barry, V. Chukwuma, R. L. Cottrell, U. Kalim, A. Mebrahtu, M. Petitdidier, R. Rabiu and C. Reeves, Russian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol 11, ES1003, Doi: 10.2205/2009ES000377, 2009, published 24, November 2009. Also SLAC-PUB 13852.
  • International Committee for Future Accelerators - Standing Committee on Inter-Regional Connectivity (ICFA-SCIC) 2009 Report compiled by Les Cottrell and Umar Kalim on behalf of the working group, January 2009.

Talks (Most recent first)

Year 2008

Publications and White Papers (Most recent first)

Talks (Most recent first)

Year 2007

Publications and White Papers (Most recent first)

Talks (Most recent first)


Previous Papers and Presenations

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