Time & date 

This meeting:  Wednesday, December 12, 2018: 8 pm Pacific time (Nb now on winter time); Tuesday, November 20th, 2018 9:00 am Pakistan time; 9:30 am India time; 12:00 noon Malaysian & Guangzhou time; and 11 am Thailand time; 6:00am Jordan 


The meeting was by Zoom, which worked well, we were able to see videos of each other, used chat, and the voice was good.

New items and updates are in boldface.


SLAC: Les, Bebo, Umar

Jordan team: Eyad Ayobi eyadayoubi@gmail.com <mailto:eyadayoubi@gmail.com> Baraa Muslmani b.muslmani@yahoo.com <mailto:b.muslmani@yahoo.com


The Jordan team (located in Amman, Jordan) will probably install the software on a Virtual Machine running Linux.

The requirements etc. are at: http://www-iepm.slac.stanford.edu/pinger/tools/mon-req.html (recently updated).

The VM will need a DNS name and Internet accessible IP address. 

The VM will need to have a web server, e.g. Apache, and port 80 and ICMP echo/response will need to be enabled.  

The PingER applications that will need installing are:(see Installation Overview)

The final step is to install the Measurement Agent (MA) pinger2.pl see http://www.slac.stanford.edu/comp/net/wan-mon/Pinger2/.  See  http://www-iepm.slac.stanford.edu/pinger/tools/mon-req.html for requirements.

The Jordan team will install the software. Any questions should be addressed to kalim@slac.stanford.edu and cottrell@slac.stanford.edu. 

The Jordan team will be invited to the January 2019 regular PingER meeting and included in the Doodle poll.  Les will invite them to the pinger-my email list.





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