International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC16) - November 2016:
Current and Future Data Systems for the LINAC Coherent Light Source presented by Riccardo Veraldi

Data Benchmarking Workshop - July 2017: 
Planning for the LCLS-2 System: Data System Design and Benchmarks presented by Amedeo Perazzo

Smoky Mountains Computational Sciences and Engineering Conference - August 2017:
Design of the LCLS-2 Data Systems presented by Amedeo Perazzo

International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC17) - November 2017:
Linac Coherent Light Source Data Transfer Requirements presented by Riccardo Veraldi

Simons Institute – Applications in the Natural Sciences and Physical Systems Workshop - February 2018: 
Data Analytics for Free Electron Lasers presented by Amedeo Perazzo