CSpad alignment

Alignment parameters

The official place for CSPad alignment parameters is
The file name consists of the run range followed by the .data, for example, 0-end.data, 11-end.data, 47-52.data, etc.

All alignment parameters are splitted for 9 types:


For individual quad position alignment use file: offset_corr/<run-range>.data

dXq0 dXq1 dXq2 dXq3
dYq0 dYq1 dYq2 dYq3
dZq0 dZq1 dZq2 dZq3


For common gap and shift between quads correction use file marg_gap_shift/<run-range>.data

         offset of 2x1s in quad (for tilt)
        /  offset of quads in image (for tilt)
       /  /  gaps
      /  /  /  shifts
     /  /  /  /
X: 15 40  0 32
Y: 15 40  0 32
Z:  0  0  0  0


CSPad metrology and calibration files, links
CSPad detector
Psana CSPad Geometry - explains how the alignment parameters are used for reconstruction of the CSPad image in PSANA.
CSPad image producer in Python